Friday, September 25, 2020

September 25, 2020

Good afternoon-

Our second week with students continued to go well. We hope the beautiful weather continues as it has been great to have time outside. I am so proud of our students for doing a great job following expectations.

Please continue to monitor your student each day they are coming to school for any illness symptoms and do not send them to school if they are under the weather. Students will not be penalized for being absent. Just as in a regular school year, absent students should email their teacher to discuss how to make up any missed content.

Likewise, if your student is having technology issues on their remote days they should email the teacher to let them know. We understand these things might happen and will continue to work with students to make sure they receive the content they miss, and this could mean when they are in person.

Teachers are expected to update grades at least every two weeks. iParent and iStudent is now open to parents and students to check grades. Please reach out to the teacher if you have questions about any grades. 

Thank you for your continued patience with dismissal procedures. If you pick up your student I encourage you to wait to come to campus until 2:40pm. We will not be dismissing students who are picked up until about 2:45pm after all student drivers have left campus. Please do not cause a safety issue by driving around the line of cars into the student parking lot. 

Meal participation has increased at AHS. Please remind your student that meals are free to all until the end of the year and they are welcome to have breakfast when they arrive in the morning. 

I wish all that are celebrating Yom Kippur well. This is a day off from school and students are not expected to complete any assignments. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

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