Good evening AHS families-
We are so excited to welcome students back to the building on Monday. It has been a long 6 months and we all miss seeing our students. Please take time to read this entire email. We have a lot of information to share in preparation for Monday.
I would like to thank our nursing department for putting together this slideshow:
Student COVID Education Slides
All students will receive this via email and will review it in school on Monday and Thursday, depending on their cohort.
I would also like to share the AHS Back To School Procedures which will also be shared with students. These slides explain building expectations to students. We will ask students to review the slides this weekend and will also review these expectations during the week.
Please take a moment to review this letter from our nursing department regarding and sanitizer:
Procedures for drop off this year remain the same although our times are much more limited:
Parent drop off in back from 8:20-8:35. Our doors will not open until 8:20am. Please help us support social distancing by encouraging your student to follow expectations.
Parking fees for students have been reduced to $50 for the year. Students will be able to get an application when school resumes. The deadline for students to receive the parking pass will be October 2.
Schedules for hybrid students are in iPass but will look different this weekend. We are in the process of adjust the system so it shows only the classes students are taking each term. Please bear with us our student information system gets adjusted to the new system.
As a reminder, in Term 1 periods C, E, F, & D will meet, in that order. Please encourage your students to be on the lookout for those Google Classroom invites from teachers.
School starts on Monday September 14th for all students. Students in cohort A (last names A-K) will report to school and students in cohort B (last names L-Z) will login to their Google Classrooms for their assignments. Many teachers will be expecting students to login to a Zoom or Google Meet, so make sure that students are checking their emails before Monday.
All new students should be able to log in to their emails at this point. The email format is last name first three letters of the first name (John Smith-smithjoh) followed by The password is Lastname (first letter capitalized) + student ID (Smith1234).
On remote days students are expected to follow the same class schedule and times as the days they are in school. Teachers may post an assignment at the start of your class that is due by the end of the class or they may ask students to log in synchronously to class.
Several people have expressed trouble connecting to Wifi with the new Chromebooks. It often takes a few times turning the computer on and off before it links with Wifi.
Below is the daily schedule for students. All students, regardless of cohort, should follow the schedule.
C - 8:35-10:05
E - 10:10-11:40
F - 11:45-1:45
(Lunch will be a 30 minute period during this block)
D - 1:50-2:35 (runs all year)
Dismissal - 2:40-2:55
A-K will be in school on Monday & Tuesday, L-Z will attend on Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays all students will be remote and both cohorts will have a 30 minute class period with their teacher.
Wednesday September 16th is a professional development day, and there will be no class.
headphones that are compatible with your Chromebooks
refillable water bottle that is full to start the day
Besides breakfast from 8:20-8:30 and lunch the cafeteria will not have food or water for sale.
No Lockers or Locker Rooms will be available for use
Students who ordered Class of 2020 yearbooks will receive the yearbooks during their math class (if it meets Term 1) or during D block. Ms. Reap, one of the yearbook advisors, will coordinate this.
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