Friday, April 29, 2022

April 28, 2022

Good afternoon-

The deadline is fast approaching for early bus registration. Register prior to May 1 for discounted prices: Early bus registration 

AHS Final Exams are scheduled from Wednesday, June 15- Wednesday, June 22. The schedule will be shared shortly. Teachers will be discussing exam expectations in the coming weeks with students.

Ashland High School is participating in the JED High School technical assistance program which helps schools assess and strengthen policies, programs, and systems that prevent suicide and support the emotional well-being of our students. The JED Foundation is a national nonprofit that seeks to support the emotional well-being of young adults ages 13-30. As part of assessing what we currently have in place, our JED High School Advisor will be facilitating virtual focus groups with students, caregivers, and educators to learn more about the emotional health of the school. No school or district staff will be part of the caregiver or student focus groups and identifiers will be kept confidential so your identity will be protected.

The caregiver focus group will take place on Tuesday, May 17 from 6-7pm via zoom. We are looking for 10-12 participants. If you are available and interested please complete this form by Tuesday, May 10. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Jennifer Cutler | she/her
Director of Counseling & Social-Emotional Learning | Ashland Public Schools |
Office: 508.532.4015 | Mobile: 774.410.5184
87 W. Union St., Ashland, MA 01721

Dear Ashland family members,
As part of our equity audit process, L&P Educational Services, an educational consulting organization will facilitate two discussions about our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts for:
Family members of 9-12 grade students
Tuesday, May 10
6-7 p.m.
To participate, you will need a computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection, camera and microphone. We also ask that you connect in a quiet place with enough light so that your face will be visible.
If you're interested in participating, please fill out this form by Tuesday, May 3. If selected to participate, you will be emailed with meeting details.
Please don't hesitate to contact Assistant Superintendent Michael Caira at with any questions about our equity audit process.

DAET is hosting three parent programs in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. 
This week check out:

The Clocker Club is holding our 2022 Golf Tournament on Thursday, May 19th at the Blackstone National Golf Club in Sutton! Registration is open for golfers and corporate sponsors. There is also a lunch-only option available. Please consider grabbing a friend or three and signing up to play, dine OR take part in one of our sponsorship levels. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.  


We are also holding a fun event, not a fundraiser, on Saturday, May 14th at the Corner SpotBusker will be playing and there will be food and drinks. It's a great time to catch up with old friends. 

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at one or both of the events!

If you don't golf or can't make an event, please consider making a general fund donation via Venmo @Ashland-ClockerClub.

The Clocker Club is dedicated to the support and advancement of all the athletic programs at Ashland High School and Middle School by promoting the purpose, pride, and performance of all student-athletes. We provide support through financial and volunteer assistance to the athletic programs, coaches, and student-athletes. 

AREA (Ashland Residents for Equity and Action) has some upcoming events where students can earn community service hours.  
Please contact: for more info.

News from the Ashland Public Library:

Thursday, April 14, 2022

April 14, 2022

 Happy April break!

We hope everyone has a restful week and is ready for the mad dash to the end of the school year.

Term 3 grades are now posted in iStudent/iParent. Report cards will be available next week in the reports section of the system. If you have questions or concerns about grades please reach out to the teacher for information.

Seniors have a very short 4th term and only 20 regular school days once we return. 

The Senior Exam Schedule can be found here. As a reminder, here is the letter detailing Senior Graduation Events.  

The exam schedule for underclassmen will be shared after vacation. Exams will be held in the traditional format and will begin on Wednesday, June 15. June 22nd will be a make up day for students. 

We encourage anyone with a home test to take it before returning to school on April 25, 2022.

Have a safe week!

Friday, April 8, 2022

April 8, 2022

Good afternoon-

Today marks the end of Term 3. The year is flying by! The administration and faculty is looking forward to celebrating prom with the Class of 2022 tonight. 

Grades should be ready to be shared at the end of the school day on Thursday, April 14. It is the goal to have Report Cards uploaded into iParent/iStudent as well but that sometimes can take a little longer. 

If your student drives to school please remind them of the importance of following the rules of the road. The bus company recently reached out to me as well as APD to report several incidents of students passing buses, throwing items at the buses, as well as other potentially unsafe behavior. 

Reminder, there is no school on Friday, April 15 and school is closed for vacation for the week of April 18. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

April 1, 2022

Good afternoon and happy April!

This message was shared with all students this morning. If your family celebrates Ramadan please make sure your student sees this information. 

We recognize Ramadan, which begins this evening, as a month-long observance by Muslims worldwide, marked by spiritual reflection and worship. For students who observe Ramadan and may be fasting, we want to offer you a space during your lunch period to be away from the cafeteria. The library and distance learning lab has been reserved for you for reflection and prayer throughout the month. The DLL is the room off the library.  If you have 3rd lunch the counseling office will be open as a space for you. As always, please reach out to your counselor or administrator with any questions or concerns or if you need to access quiet space at additional times during the day. We wish a safe, happy, and generous Ramadan to all members of our community who observe the holiday.

With one week left in Term 3 all students are encouraged to check iPass and seek out teachers if needed. X-block is the perfect time to make up a missed assignment or quiz or ask for extra help. 

Ashland High School Student Council Bingo Night

The Ashland High School Student Council is running its 12th Annual Bingo Night on Wednesday, April 6th.  This event is open to all ages and is always a fun time.   A pack of 6 cards good for the entire night will cost a suggested donation of $10.  Bring your own Bingo dauber or bring $1 to buy one.  Free coffee and baked goods.  The class of 2023 will be selling pizza.

We have over $1700 worth of prizes to give away, donated by local businesses and restaurants.  For a full listing of all of the prizes, visit our website at:

And check out our commercial online at:

It'll be a fun night!  Come join us!  If you have any questions, you can contact the Student Council at or Josh Wiczer (Student Council advisor) at

Financial Reality Fair
The AHS Student Council is working to put together our third annual "Financial Reality Fair" for the graduating seniors.  This event will be held on Friday, May 27th in-person at the high school.  Each senior will receive a paycheck and credit score and will need to navigate various booths where they will have to make financial decisions (renting an apartment, getting a car, getting insurance, etc.)  

To run this event successfully we need parent help!  To learn more about what volunteering involves and to sign-up to help, please visit our website at  If you have a background in any of the fields listed on the website, that's great!  If not, we'll train you for the fair!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nayonika Singh at (Student Council President) or Josh Wiczer at (Student Council Advisor).

Ashland Public Library programs: