Saturday, June 17, 2017

Week of 6/12/17

Good morning-

Final exams started yesterday at AHS, the year is officially winding down.  The schedule is attached here and can be found on the AHS website. As a reminder, students only need to be present for their final exams but the school is open for regular school hours.  Students must attend their exams during the scheduled time unless they have an excused absence.  The cafeteria will be open, selling sandwiches and salads each day of exams.  June 22nd is a make-up exam day and students do not need to report.  This is the teachers last day and they will leave at 10:30am.  

We were very happy to welcome the Class of 2021 last Wednesday night and look forward to seeing them again at New Student Orientation on Wednesday, August 23rd at 4pm.  This is a fun, interactive afternoon where students explore the building, learn about our values and expectations, and meet the Peer Leaders. 

All schedules for the 2017-2018 school year will be available the week of August 7, 2017 on iParent. Hard copies of schedules will be mailed to the Class of 2021. 

Check out pictures from the junior prom from our photographer Grynn & Barrett. The website link is the best way to share it:

The Class of 2019 is having a fundraiser at Dairy Queen in Ashland on Tuesday, June 20th. Stop by anytime between 4 - 8 pm and a portion of your purchase will be donated to the Class of 2019! We appreciate your support! 

Peer Leader program:
The mission of the Peer Leadership-Freshman Advisory program is to help students with the transition from middle school to high school.  The goal of the program is to establish a foundation for success in meeting the school-wide academic, social, and civic expectations set forth in AHS’s mission statement.  Junior & senior leaders will work with 9th grade students to introduce them to the core values and culture of AHS and in doing so encourage positive decision making.  Students will give up one study hall or wellness class a cycle to join a 9th grade wellness class and lead transition activities. Peer leaders will also support the entire school community in Positive Behavior Support Team initiatives. Current Peer Leaders do not need to reapply. Interested students should complete a application and return it to Ms. St. Coeur by June 22, 2017.

Do you have a prom or formal dress in your closet that you know you will never wear again?  The Ashland High School Make-A-Wish Club will be hosting a Prom Dress Boutique Fundraiser on November 25, 2018 in the high school gymnasium.  Gowns will either be sold on consignment by their owner with a 20 percent portion going to Make-A-Wish or as a donation with all profit being given to Make-A-Wish.  We will be collecting dresses through November 18th as we prepare for the day.  You can either drop the dresses off to the main office at Ashland High School during school hours or reach out to to make other arrangements.  If you wish to sell your dress please provide your name, phone number and asking price with the item.  We will be seeking dresses from local area towns and welcome additional shoppers at the boutique day as well so spread the word!

Please be sure to check out all of the other important events happening around town in the Parent Flyers!

Attention current Ashland high school Juniors. Looking for several students that might be interested in a career in marketing. I have a startup project for a nonprofit organization that needs fresh, young idea’s. For students interested in the field of marketing, this will look great on their resume and help build early experience. These project managers will be given an idea and will be able to expand it however they like. Setting up website/social media, club logo, designs are just some of the tasks that they will be involved in the process. Students will receive community service credit hours along with a successful project that will enhance a college resume application. 
Contact Bob Nutting (781)985-6628

Video Contest for Teens
"13 Ways to Take Care of Ourselves and Each Other Video Contest"
A Suicide Prevention Project 
Enter by July 28, 2017 
First Place Prize is $1,000

Who Can Enter:
This contest is open to anyone who is enrolled in high school as of spring 2017, age 14 and older, and who lives in Massachusetts.Contest Goal:
Recently, the media has shown that one way teenagers might cope with emotional and social challenges is by suicide. We are countering that message by having the "13 Ways to Take Care of Ourselves and Each Other Video Contest." The overall goal of this contest is to have high school students demonstrate healthy ways that they can manage social and emotional challenges. We are very excited about getting teens involved in this contest as a way to promote the various healthy ways they cope with obstacles in their lives.

Please Help Make this Contest a Success:
We really need your help to to get the word out about this contest. Could you please pass information about this contest on to teens and encourage them to enter? The first place prize is $1,000. The contest description and Official Contest Rules are online at On that page there's a PDF of a flyer that you can pass around to teens or post.

If you have any questions, please send an email to Thank you in advance for helping us promote healthy coping skills for teens.Employees or directors of Riverside Community Care or their immediate family or household are not eligible.

Ashland Raises Healthy & Happy Kids
Hopefully the summer will allow your family to slow down a little and enjoy one another. You might also want to spend some time this summer giving your children the chance to practice and acquire life skills. Once they master them, it will make YOUR life easier. Below is a good rule of thumb for teaching children (and adults!) new things:

First you do it for them, 
Then you do it with them, 
Then you watch them do it, 
Then you let them do it on their own. 

This list of things your kids should be able to do on their own is a great place to start. Choose  two or three tasks for each of your children to practice and master this summer, and think of how much easier the next school year could be!

Ages 2-3: Small chores and basic grooming - Put toys away, put clothes in the hamper, clear plate after meals, assist in setting the table

Ages 4-5: Know important names and numbers and simple chores - Know their name, address and phone number and 911, clear the table after meals, dust, feed pets, brush teeth, comb hair, wash face, choose his/her own clothes

Age 6-7: Basic cooking techniques - Mix, stir and cut with a dull knife, make a sandwich, help put groceries away, wash dishes, make bed, use basic household cleaners to wash windows and wipe down counter tops, order their own meals at restaurants. 

Age 8-9: Take pride in personal belongings - Care for toys/belongings, fold clothes, use a broom and dustpan, read a recipe and prepare a simple meal, help create a grocery list, weed and water flower beds/plants, take out the trash

Age 10-13: Gain independence - Make a purchase at a store, change sheets on beds, use the washing machine and dryer, iron clothes, mow the lawn, plan and prepare a meal with several ingredients, look after younger relatives or neighbors, clean the bathrooms

Age 14-18: More advanced skills - Read and understand medicine labels and dosages, get gas and change a car tire, prepare and cook meals, apply and interview for a job, paint a piece of furniture or a room in your house, make their own appointments

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