Friday, August 31, 2018

First Days of School!

Happy Labor Day weekend!

It was so great to have the students back in the building for the past two days.  So many people commented on how positive and engaged they were, despite the heat.  Many of our teachers spent their time getting to know their students and build relationships. We welcomed students back with our #WelcomeWednesday signs and look forward to another year of positive messages.

A few reminders...
The first bell rings at 8:10am and this is when students can enter the main part of the building from the cafeteria/lobby.  Students can gather in the cafeteria and main lobby if arriving before 8:10am.  Breakfast is served starting at 7:30am.

Morning drop-off and buses have gone very smoothly.  Thank you!
Student drop-off is in the back of the building.  Parents are asked to stay to the left of the road and students should use caution when exiting the car.  Student drivers should stay to the right of the road and park in the student lot on the far side of the building.  Students will have until Friday, September 14 to obtain a parking pass and must park in the student lot (the lot with the solar panels). The parking pass application can be picked up in the main office.

Class meetings will be held for each class on Wednesday.  The seniors will meet with Josten's to fill out their graduation cap & gown cards. All classes will hear about school expectations and class leaders will provide information on upcoming events.

Next Friday is the All-school PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) Activity and Convocation. It is a fun day where we come together as a school community to learn our core values and expectations. Seniors receive the key to the school at Convocation.

Upcoming events:
September 12- Picture Day
September 24-28- Start With Hello Week
September 27- Parent Night 6-8pm

iStudent accounts were changed for ALL student accounts earlier n August.

To access your account moving forward (and this includes all grade 9 and new students) please use the following information
Log-in: StudentIDlastname    (example- Kelley St Coeur/student id 1234 would log-in with 1234stcoeur)
Password: Ashland1
Your student id is the same number you key in for lunch and when you check in to the office.  You will be prompted to immediately change your password to something personal.
This does not impact iParent accounts.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Welcome back and be sure to check out the Parent Flyers  

Friday, August 24, 2018

Welcome back!

Good evening-

It was a great week and I was thrilled to have students back in the building.  On Monday we had over 70 of our 120 Peer Leaders in school for training.  Wednesday night they welcomed our new students with a fun scavenger hunt and cookout.  Thursday about 40 student leaders came together from all clubs, classes, and teams to talk about how to continue to build a positive culture at AHS. We were also excited to welcome several of our Chinese exchange students who will be here for the year.

Students report for the 2018-2019 school year on Wednesday, August 29, 2018.  
Hours are (8:10am)8:20am-2:45pm. First bell rings at 8:10am and this is when students can enter the building from the cafeteria/lobby.

Students can gather in the cafeteria and main lobby if arriving before 8:10am.

Student drop-off is in the back of the building.  Parents are asked to stay to the left of the road and students should use caution when exiting the car.  Student drivers should stay to the right of the road and park in the student lot on the far side of the building.  Students will have until Friday, September 14 to obtain a parking pass. Information to purchase a parking pass will be made available on Wednesday,

All students will report to homeroom at the first bell to receive the most up to date copy of their schedule.

Bus Routes

Bus routes are still in the process of being developed and should be ready no later than Friday, August 24.  Please check here for updated routes.

Welcome back and be sure to check out the Parent Flyers  

Parent Flyers 2018-2019

OWL News- May & June
     Spanish edition
     Portuguese edition

APL Summer Reading program

Consider hosting an exchange student next year!
Cambridge Network Host Family recruiting flyer

2019 Summer Concert Schedule

APL Finals study sessions

APL- Birds

Make A Wish Ashland Alehouse fundraiser

Exchange student Host Family flyer

ASHPAC Turning 3 Essentials

PTO Night at Murhpy's

Showcase India

APL- Great Decisions

APL- Make Your Own Board Game

USPS Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

APL May 4th events

OWL News- March & April
    Spanish edition
    Portuguese edition

ASHPAC Financial Planning Workshop

DAET Spring newsletter

APL-AHS Choral program

APL Science Magic

APL Harry Potter book night

APL Rubber Duck Hunt

PJ Ferrier Toy/Game Drive

Ben Speaks

Volunteer event 

High School Karate

iGen Community Book Read

APS bus registration

Framingham State Ashley B presentation

ASHPAC Anxiety Workshop

APL March 16

APL Big Box Build

APL Great Decisions

APL Video Game Party

APL Be the Change

OWL News- February
   Spanish edition
   Portuguese edition

Metrowest College & Career Fair

Community Book Read- iGen

APL Book Sale

APL- Discount Passes

APL Be the Change

APL Grey Wolves Art & Ecology

APL Hands on Nature- Big Predators

YMCA Spring flyer

ARC girl's boxing

ARC snow-tubing

ARC home-alone safety


ARC summer 2019

APL school vacation week activities

APL Be the Change

APL movie night

APL Atlantic Salmon Art & Ecology

ELL Parent English class

AEFI Ticket Sales

Boston area Brain Bee

Make-A-Wish Jump for Joy

Cradles to Crayons PJ Drive

APL- Won't You Be My Neighbor screening

Community book read- iGen

OWL News- January
        Spanish edition
        Portuguese edition

Clocker Club pancake breakfast

AEFI Thank-you Card Contest

Ashland Is United Breaking Bread

Worcester Railers - February 10

APL Mid-term's Study sessions

no flyers this week!

APL BYO Book Club

OWL News- December
               Spanish edition
               Portuguese edition

AHS Band Holiday Bookfair

Just Talk About It!

Make A Wish Winterfest

OWL News- November 
              Spanish edition
              Portuguese edition

Town of Ashland- Fun All Month Long!

APL- DIY Holiday Cards

APL- Mr. Magic

MetroWest Youth Teaming Together Coffee House

APL- Illuminate Ashland

APL- Manatees

Mass HeartBeat ECG screenings

AHS Blood Drive

APL Anime Viewing 

APL Vinny's shadow puppets

ASHPAC Basic Rights in Special Education

Festival of Lights- Diwali

OWL News
        Spanish edition
        Portuguese edition

AEFI Neighborhood Campaign

APL - Enchanted Sunday

APL - Diwali Festival

Boy Scouts

National School Bus Safety Week

Local Conversation on Vaping

AHS Football Recycling Fundraiser

Finding Your Voice

ASHPAC College Night

POWER Series- Finding Your Voice

APL Self-publishing panel

APL Book chat

APL Early Release Day events

APL Indian Festival

ARC Nashoba

ARC Wachusett

ARC Wicked Cool for Kids

Metrowest Student FilmFest

PBIS Ashland Alehouse fundraiser

OWL News
   Spanish edition
   Portuguese edition

ASHPAC Meet the Administration

DAET Fall newsletter

ARC Fall Offerings

Fall College Essay Writing Class

2018-2019 Driver's Education

APL- Summer Reading Wrap-up & Awards

APL- Youth Basketball Registration

APL- Indian Program

Special Education Department OWL News- Summer edition
     Spanish edition
     Portuguese edition

Classical Music Performance at APL

Friday, August 3, 2018

Schedules and more! Here comes 2018-2019

August 8, 2018

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:

I hope you are having a wonderful summer but I have to say I am excited to welcome you all back! The building is so quiet and I miss the student energy.  I hope your summer has brought plenty of time to relax and enjoy quality time with family and friends.

We are very excited to welcome the following new staff:
Javier Arango, Spanish
John Noel, Special Education
James Phillips, School Psychologist
Erika Thomson, Math

Internally, Jess Curran, School Psychologist, has transitioned from her previous role of half-time at the middle school and half-time with us to our full-time psychologist.

Schedules for 2018-2019 for all new students were sent today, August 8, 2018.  If you do not
receive a schedule please call the AHS main office to request one.  
All students, grades 10-12, can now view their schedules through iStudent.  
Any current AHS student who does not recall how to access iStudent can email Linda Chaney
to have their account reset. (Members of the Class of 2022 will receive their iStudent log-in information at New Student Orientation but can see their schedules through iParent if it is set up.) 
It is important to note that the schedules are not 100% finalized and there will be some changes as
we try to balance out class sizes and meet the needs of all students.  The guidance staff and administration have been working tirelessly this summer to produce the best schedule for the
greatest amount of students.  Any blank space in the schedule indicates a study hall.  Study hall
room assignments will be reflected on schedules by the first day of school. 
If you have not already done so, please visit our website and sign-up for iParent.

Our guidance staff will return to the office on August 21.  If you would like to set up a meeting 
with your counselor regarding schedule changes, we will be offering 15 minute appointments 
from 8:30 – 11:45, and 12:30-1:30 on August 21, 23, and 24.  On August 22 counselors will be available from 11:30-3:00 and will then be present at the New Student Orientation from 4-6pm.  
You may call the high school main office at 508-881-0177 to arrange an appointment.

If you would like to email the main office please use the following address:

All summer work is posted at

Follow us on Twitter @KStCoeur, @ClockerDean, @MrsELachapelle and @ClockerAD

Ashland High School does not have a school supply list.  Teachers will share with students what is needed for individual classes over the course of the first couple of days.  Students should plan to start the year with a notebook and writing utensils (pens & pencils).  Students are allowed to carry backpacks at AHS and all students are assigned a locker.  Students can rent a lock for their locker through the front office for $5 or bring their own lock and provide the office with the combination or copy of the key.

Key Dates:

Freshman and New Student Orientation- Wednesday, August 22 from 4-6pm. 
We will have a barbecue and fun activities so please plan to attend to get to know the school community.  This event is for students only but there will be a brief orientation and Q&A for
any parents that are interested at 4:15pm once students are sent to their homerooms.

The Student Leadership Summit will be on Thursday, August 23 from 10am-2pm. 
This annual event is a chance for all students interested in helping to build a positive school 
culture and set goals and expectations for a great school year.  
Are you a club leader, a sport's team captain, class officer, etc.?  Are you someone who is interested in making an impact on our school? ALL students interested in having a voice at AHS are encouraged to attend this fun, interactive morning! -  (bring a sack lunch-drinks and snacks will be provided) . 
All captains and students in club and activity leadership positions are expected to attend. 
Please sign up here!

As a reminder the Peer Leader application was emailed to all juniors and seniors and is posted on the AHS website. We welcome all students to apply to be a part of this program and help our new students transition to AHS.  
Peer Leader training is August 20 from 9am-12pm in the AHS auditorium. (note the date change!)

First day of classes will be Wednesday, August 29, 2018.  Our start time is 8:20am.
The first bell will ring at 8:10am.  Students are expected to remain in the back lobby/cafeteria
until that time.  The building will be open and the cafeteria will begin serving breakfast at 7:50am.

There are no classes on Friday, August 31 and Monday, September 3, 2018 in honor of Labor Day.

Enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Kelley St. Coeur