Good afternoon-
I hope you had a good first week of 2021. While we wish were were back in the building we are glad to be able to continue moving forward with learning. Teachers are expressing increasing concerns with students not engaging or letting them know about other commitments during the school day. Please remind your student that they should be committed to school from 8:30am-2:55pm. We know remote learning is hard. Students are required to log-in to each class and participate, just as they would in the classroom when we are in school.
As you know, we will continue with remote learning next week. Monday we encourage all students to be tested. Teachers will provide asynchronous work and attendance will not be required if you are being tested. Students will park in the student lot and enter the building through the main front door. Please let me know if you have any questions. The information and sign up link from Supt Adams is below.
Friday, January 15 is a teacher professional day. Students do not have school on this day.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
AHS COVID testing: This announcement is extremely important for ALL students who attend Ashland High School. Through the great effort of Sergeant Ed Burman and Head Nurse Audrey LaCroix we are pleased to announce that on Monday, January 11, 2021 we are able to offer a FREE COVID-19 PCR test for ALL AHS Students, faculty, and staff. Below are the testing directions and required pre registration link. I want to encourage ALL students, faculty, and staff to take advantage of this opportunity so we can work towards getting AHS back into the hybrid learning environment as quickly as possible.
Links to information in:
Important Logistics:
Who: All AHS students, faculty, and staff who are NOT currently isolated or quarantined
When: Monday, January 11, 2021 from 8:00AM - 3:00PM
Where: Ashland High School Gymnasium - Entrance is through the main doors of Ashland High School. Masks must be worn and 6 feet of physical distance maintained.
How: Folks must register for the Nasal Swab PCR test by filling out the form attached to this link:
Testing: This is a Nasal Swab PCR which will require the insertion of a swab in the nasal cavity. This test is the most reliable test available for identification of COVID-19.
Result Privacy: Aside from the test taker, the Board of Health and School Nurse will have access to this important information as any positive cases will need to be contacted and tracing will need to commence.
Should you have questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Again, I want to encourage any and all students, faculty, and staff to participate in the testing.
If you are not feeling well, if someone in your family is not feeling well, or if you are quarantined or in isolation, DO NOT come for a test.
Jim Adams, Superintendent of Schools
Pronouns: He/His/Him
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