Friday, May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020

Good afternoon families-

I hope you are all well and are finding time to enjoy the beautiful weather. 
Teachers have been in the building all week cleaning out classrooms in preparation for the ed of year clean. If you student left something in a classroom please have them let the teacher know. We will be bagging all student belongings and more information about pick-up times will be forthcoming.

We anticipate distributing caps & gowns to the Class of 2020 and class rings to the Class of 2022 in the next few weeks. We will send specific times once they have been identified.

I know there has been a lot of social media discussion about graduation plans. The Governor has said he will speak about graduations on Monday. We will adjust our plan if he gives us reason to do so. What I ask families to consider is how the students who are leaving on July 1 for the military and other opportunities will feel about knowing they can not participate. 

See below for a note from the athletic department:
In our efforts to both return items to their owners and clear out the locker rooms to be cleaned appropriately, we have bagged up items that were left in lockers. Please ask your child if they have items that they want/need in their athletic locker and then contact me (Mr. Marks) so we can have that bag ready and available for pick up. Times for pick-up will be shared soon by the Superintendent. Any items not claimed that day will be donated unless you reach . 

The larger boys team room that is shared by a number of teams/students seems to have items in lockers that may have old name labels on them. If your child knows what locker they were using that will also help us identify which bag to return to its rightful owner. 

I can be reached at with any questions. 

Sending my best to all of Clocker Nation and hope to see everyone soon. GO CLOCKERS!

Stephen Marks

Athletic Director

News from Student Council:
Students have one more week to sign-up to run for a class officer position. 

Anyone interested in running for a class officer position (which includes the elected Student Council Representative positions) should read through all of the information carefully on the following Google Doc.

In addition, we are also electing a 5-person School Committee Advisory Council.  This group meets once every other month with the School Committee to update them on things going on at the high school and offer feedback on their policies.  One member of this group will serve as the student-representative on the school committee.  Anyone interested in running for one of these positions should read through all of the information on the following Google Doc.
The timeline for the election process is:
  • All nominations are due to Mr. Wiczer by Friday, May 22nd at 5pm.
  • All administrative endorsements must be requested by Friday, May 22nd at 5pm.
  • All supporting materials (photos, videos, and paragraphs) must be submitted to Mr. Wiczer by Friday, May 29th at 5pm.
  • Election info will go out to all students on Monday, June 1st
  • Voting will take place from Tuesday, June 2nd through Friday, June 5th, closing at 2pm sharp.
  • Results will be announced by email at some point after the close of the polls.
After reading through the Google Doc describing the process in detail, please email Mr. Wiczer ( if you have any questions.

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