Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2, 2018

Good afternoon-

It's a wet and windy afternoon but I am excited to say the "show will go on" at Ashland High School.  The AHSTS presentation of Pippin starts tonight and plays all weekend.  I hope you get an opportunity to see these amazing performers.  AHSTS offers online sales up to two hours before show time. AHSTS discounts tickets purchased online (Adults: $11.99, Students and AHSTS Alumni $8.99), Patrons may buy tickets at the door at full price. (Adults: $15, Students and AHSTS Alumni $10) Visit to purchase tickets.

Over the course of the week there have been many student discussions about the proposed student walk-out's planned for the March 14, the one month anniversary of the shooting at Stoneman Douglass High School.  I encourage you to review today's letter from the Superintendent and to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.  We are working with students to make sure all students feel safe and respected and that any actions students may take are handled in a responsible manner.

We are getting ready to offer a great personal finance course to students.  Please take a look and encourage your student to consider it!

Red Cross Blood Drive in Support of Jake on April 4th, 2 - 7 pm at AHS
Ashland High School is honored to be a part of the team in supporting Jake by hosting a blood drive.  Please consider donating or offering your help in other ways if you are unable to do so.  
-Students can sign-up at school, more information to come on how to sign-up (Note: you must be 17 years old to donate or 16 years old with written parental consent.)
-Adults can sign-up at Enter Sponsor Code: AshlandHS

Student Course Selection:
The iParent course approval (directions linked here) window is open and will remain open until Friday, March 9th for all 9-11th grade students.  Parents are asked to please approve their student's selections at this time.  The portal for current grade 8 students will open on March 9.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to your students guidance counselor or administrator with any questions!

Dear AHS Families and Students,
We'd like everyone to know that the annual "MetroWest College and Career Fair" will be held on Saturday, March 24th, from 9 am until 12:30 pm here at AHS!  Sponsored by the Ashland Education Foundation and the Ashland PTO, this is a rare local opportunity to visit with representatives from over 100 colleges, college placement experts, and representatives from a wide spectrum of professional level occupations in one setting!
Check out their website to learn exactly what colleges, college experts, and occupations will be represented by visiting  Hover over the tab titled "Students & Parents" for an up-to-date listing of colleges, occupations, and speakers in attendance.
The guidance staff at AHS wishes to strongly encourage the participation of every family of an AHS student.  College and career fairs maximize your time and expense (there's no cost to participants of this event).  Having all of these reasources available to us right in our own back yard for free on a Saturday morning is an opportunity not to be missed!  There is much to learn in this format of condensed time and location, perhaps saving countless hours gathering this information separately from multiple sources.
Join us in supporting the Ashland Education Foundation and the Ashland PTO by attending this wonderful opportunity for our high school students!
The AHS Guidance Staff

Junior Prom tickets will be on sale for $80 at lunch next week, March 5th- 9th. They can be purchased with cash or a check made out to AHS Student Activities. Dues must be paid before a ticket can be purchased. Contact the 2019 class adviser Ms. Kulik with any questions, 

Registration is officially open for the 2nd annual "Ashland Color Splash Run" (our take on a "Color Run"), organized by the PTO, AHS Make-a-Wish Club, and AHS Student Council.   This family-friendly event will be held on Sunday, April 29th at 10am at Ashland High School.  We had 300 participants last year and are hoping to have even more this year!

There are two events -- the full "Color Splash Run" (which will involve a 2-mile course) and a smaller "Kids Color Splash Run" (which will involve up to 4 laps around a track.)  The "Color Splash Run" costs $25 per participant, and the "Kids' Color Splash Run" costs $15 per participant.  Registration prior to April 13th will include a race t-shirt.

For more information and to register, visit:

And check-out our promotional video:

We are also looking for businesses and organizations interested in helping to "sponsor" the event.  Any business or organization that donates $100 or more will get their logo on the back of the race t-shirt.  Please contact Josh Wiczer ( if you're interested in helping us out while promoting your company.

The PTO's annual Disney Raffle is back!  $10 enters you to win $5000 worth of Disney gift cards, good at any Disney property, including Disney Cruise Lines. Tickets can be purchased online at 
Drawing will be held at the 3rd Annual Clocker Classic on March 21st at Ashland High School.  Come cheer your teachers as they battle it out on the basketball court to see who will bring home the coveted trophy!  Teams to be announced soon!

Dear High-Schooler,

In its 8th year, Harvard's Youth Lead the Change program for high schoolers (rising 9th to 12th graders) will run for five days from August 27-31, 2018 and will be held on Harvard's campus. Youth Lead the Change is a leadership program led by a team of Harvard undergraduates that seeks to provide high school kids with tangible leadership skills and empower them to be leaders in their communities. The program features guest speakers who are foremost leaders in their fields as well as numerous projects and modules to hone strong leadership skills. More information about the program can be found at The application deadline is  May 1st.

If you are interested, you can apply here! If you have previously attended a YLC conference and would like to become a Junior Counselor, please apply here.

The program costs $200 for the five days and this fee includes lunch every day as well as all other materials provided throughout the program. Financial aid is available and we are need blind in our application decisions.  The financial aid application can be found here

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions! I can be reached over email at

Enjoy the afternoon and be sure to check out the Parent Flyers .

Ashland Raises Healthy & Happy Kids:
This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses therefore prevention and recognition are vitally important.
Five Ways to Promote a Positive Body Image in Children
  1. Focus on health, not weight. Concentrate on delicious nutrition and fun physical activity, rather than the number on the scale or the size on the clothing tags.
  2. Compliment kids on what they do, not how they look.
  3. Myth-Bust the "Perfect Body". Help your child become a savvy media critic by talking about what they see on television, in magazines and online. Help them understand that the pictures of models they see in ads and on social media may have been retouched or otherwise manipulated to appear "perfect”.
  4. Discuss your child's struggles as they arise. Fight your knee-jerk reaction to immediately comfort your child and dismiss their concerns with comments such as, “No honey you're perfect”. Instead, respond with open-ended questions such as, “help me understand that comment” or “that surprises me, can you tell me more” in order to begin a dialogue about their concerns.
  5. Be aware of how you talk about your own body. If you are criticizing your body or others, expect that your children will mirror this thinking. You are the first window through which they view the world.

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