Friday, November 20, 2020

November 20, 2020

Good afternoon-

Congratulations to all on completing Term 1. Grades are now open in iStudent/iParent. A copy of the student report card is available under the My Document link in each. 

Because of the modifications to our schedule this year the attempted credits are not accurate which does result in GPA's being skewed. The term calculation is tied to attempted credits. They will be accurate at the end of the year but there is no way to adjust our course catalog currently to reflect an accurate GPA. Some Remote Only students may not have an updated GPA if no grades have been entered. Please note, GPA's are only available after the completion of grade 10. 

APS Travel Policy:
Attached are the links to the Ashland Public Schools - Student Travel Form as well as the Return from Travel Certification of Compliance that must be filled out before travelers can enter schools.
Ashland High School Student Travel Form

The School Committee Policy on COVID Travel again for your reference.  It is the intent of the School Committee Policy to have ALL travelers/students tested before returning to school.

The Virtual Homecoming Rally will air today (November 20th) at 5pm on WACA-TV.  You can also watch it here (, premiering Friday, November 20th at 5pm.  Hear updates from the fall sports, learn what's been going on with your class and in various clubs, watch your classmates participate in virtual rally-activities, and don't miss the teachers-in-desk-chairs relay race!   Thanks to everyone who participated in the rally, to the Student Council Exec Board for organizing this, and especially to WACA-TV for putting everything together.

Please see the attached statement regarding the Tri-Valley League Statement on the 2020-2021 Winter Athletic Season

Please check out the information below from Decisions at Every Turn:
DAET Week of Gratitude

A message from the Ashland Emergency Fund:

Each holiday season in December the Ashland Food Pantry receives requests for assistance in the form of gift cards from families in need. Volunteers purchase cards from $25 to $50 from gas stations, grocery stores, Target, Walmart etc. so they may be used for the widest range of items.


This year there is a problem in many ways. Food pantry funds are low. The Ashland Emergency Fund Charter only allows expenditures for emergencies. Approximately 150 requests have been received which is far more than any other year. There is also a lack of volunteers.


We are asking individuals, businesses and organizations to fill this need by purchasing cards and getting them to Teri Wysor, 26 Riverview Dr, Ashland by December 2. Please identify with the card who is donating so the recipient may know. Cards will be distributed under the direction of Cara Tirell.


This year each of us has had our own problems and we have been asked to do so much and it never ends. I hope that you will consider this request and rise to the occasion. If you can help, fine. If not, thank you for listening. May you and yours have a safe season and may next year be brighter for all of us.


Bill Gath

Ashland Emergency Fund

Friday, November 13, 2020

November 13, 2020

Good evening-

It is so exciting to have made it through Term 1 of Hybrid and Remote learning. I'm am so proud of our students and staff. It has not been easy but everyone is working to keep us in school. 

Term 2 starts Monday! Students will start new classes, meeting with periods G(7), A(1), and B(2) as well as continuing with D(4) block. You can check a student schedule by looking at the schedule rotation and finding G day.

Please remember hybrid students are expected to be "in class" on out of school days. Teachers are teaching synchronously in some classes and providing work that is expected to be completed. Work is not an excuse to miss school. Remote students are expected to work on school assignments for the length of the school day in order to get through each course. 

Report cards will be released to students on Friday, November 20 at 3pm. Grades and progress reports are currently closed in iPass as teachers work on Term 1 grades. 

News from Student Council:
Spirit week is coming up! Even though this isn't the typical school year we hoped for, STUCO is happy to continue the tradition of Spirit Week! Mark your calendars for the week of November 16th! Make sure to email your Spirit Week photos to These photos will be posted on the STUCO Instagram and will be used to make a homecoming video!

Spirit Day Schedule
November 16th-20th

Monday (11/16): PJ Day
Tuesday (11/17): Tourist Day 

Wednesday (11/18): Quarantine Outfits
Thursday (11/19):  Decade Day

Friday (11/20): Class Color Day 

We can't wait for you guys to bring the school spirit next week! Stay safe!


Ashland High School Student Council 

Friday, November 6, 2020

November 6, 2020

Good afternoon-

I hate to continue to ask, but please help us with dismissal by encouraging your student to stay in their class until their dismissal group is called. We dismiss student drivers and their passengers first.
Parents should not be parking in the lot and driving out with the students. Students picked up by parents are dismissed after student drivers have left. At this time the line of parent cars will be dismissed. Our bus students are the final group dismissed. We need your assistance in following expectations so that all students can exist the school safely.

Please see the attached notice on Mass Health/Medicaid:

Cover Letter for Mass Health- Spanish

Cover Letter for Mass Health- Portuguese

Medicaid Consent Form

Change in personnel:
Please join me in welcoming Joe Chimienti, school psychologist, to the AHS team. Jess Curran has moved on to another opportunity. Mr. Chimienti has worked for APS for the past few years with our younger students at Mindess. We are excited to have him join the AHS team of counselors.

The following information on a new social-emotional program was shared with students this week:
We are excited to be able to use the MyLife for Schools program this year. This program is available to all students to use both at school and at home to manage your stress and emotions. If you were not able to attend the presentation today, please view the attached recording, by logging in with a student school email.

If you do not have access to headphones please complete this google form and we will make sure that you get a pair. Here are written directions for how to login to the program.

PARENT ADS FOR YEARBOOK: It has certainly been a challenging year for all of our students, but our seniors in particular deserve some extra recognition for being great role models for our underclassmen. If you would like to acknowledge a special senior in your life with a recognition ad in the 2021 yearbook, please check out the attached flier. And get those cute photos ready for all to see!