Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving-

I hope you have a wonderful long weekend filled with family and friends.  Thank you for making
Ashland such an fabulous community to work for.  I am truly grateful to work with such amazing students day in and day out.  They are special.

This week is another opportunity for students to show their school spirit.  Last night was the annual class Hall Decorating Contest.  There were 4 creative ideas but bragging rights went to the SENIOR   class.

To see the hallways in all their glory (with the music, etc.), check out:

And to see some photos:

At the Thanksgiving Pep Rally we acknowledged all of the great things our clubs and teams have done to give back to the community.  Check out some of the signs below.

We were also able to acknowledge some students for their contributions to AHS.

First, I was very proud to recognize Devin Del Campo., a member of the Class of 2018.  Last spring, after winning the state-wide and regional competitions, Devin auditioned for the National Association for Music Education's All-National Ensembles. As a result of that audition, Devin was accepted first chair tuba out of the entire country. The festival is being held at Disney World in Florida next week, and he will leave for Florida the day after Thanksgiving. We are all very proud of him!

Each term the teachers at Ashland High School nominate students who have gone above and beyond to demonstrate the core values of AHS.  The PBIS Team looks at all of the nominations and votes on the students to receive the Term Award.  The recipients of Term 1 Students of the Term are:

Respect - Jacob Pierson
Responsibility - Matt Spielberger
Integrity - Justin Madison
Involvement - Sanjana Mandala
Achievement - Henry Mercado
These students regularly show their commitment to all of the core values and are models for the entire student body.

Here are some pictures of the rally. Lauren and Jon did a great job as MC's. Warren the Clock, the AHS bands, chorus, and cheerleaders entertained the crowd. Of course, bubble soccer was a hit again this year. Look for highlights on WACA in the near future.

NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation:
NEASC accreditation is a system of accountability that is ongoing, voluntary, and comprehensive in scope. It respects differences in institutional populations, missions, and cultures, and fosters institutional change grounded in the expertise of practicing educators. It is based on standards which are developed and regularly reviewed by the members and which define the characteristics of good schools and colleges.  Ashland High School will engage in the re-accreditation process in the spring of 2020.  
Parents, please take time to complete the attached survey and help provide us with valuable information:

We ask that every family complete one survey. You do not need to complete multiple surveys if you have more than one student in the school. 

Please join us on Thursday, November 30 at 6:30pm for a Community Presentation on the MetroWest Health Survey Data.  We will share the results of the 2016 survey and talk about steps we can take to address issues related to substance use, mental health, and other topics with adolescents.  

The National Honor Society is holding a fundraiser at Chipotle at Shopper's World in Framingham on Wednesday, November 29 from 5-9 p.m.  If you purchase food there, they will give back to the NHS, which is directing all funds raised to their designated charity for this year, Community Giving Tree.  Help provided essentials for children of low-income families by making a visit to Chipotle on Nov. 29!  Be sure to get a flyer to show at the register.


The AHS Band is again partnering with Barnes and Noble for their annual reading of The Polar Express.  It is a fantastic evening and has been a very successful fundraiser for us.  On Friday, December 1, the students will play holiday tunes starting at 6:45 at the Framingham store.  At 7:00, one of the students will read the story to children who come out to Barnes and Noble's Friday Night Storytime.  Following this, the band will perform a medley of music from the movie and some additional holiday pieces.  Feel free to bring your small(er) children (or someone else's) for the story time -- there will be some art projects for them to do after the music has finished.  It is a really great and fun experience for kids of all ages!!

For the fundraiser:  Using our Voucher Code (Bookfair ID: 12251351), the AHS Band will receive 15-20% of all in-store purchases on December 1 (from 9am to 10 pm) and all online purchases from December 1 through December 6.  Purchases include books, magazines, magazine subscriptions, toys, stationery, nook e-reader devices, nook paraphernalia, e-books, etc.  (Unfortunately, you cannot buy a gift certificate as part of the promotion.)  In addition, M
​arybeth​ Gallant, our librarian,
 will also have a table of books that you can purchase as a donation to the AHS Library . 

Thank you for participating and supporting the Ashland Music Program!!

Mr. Maule

Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17, 2017

Good evening and happy Friday!

How did we get to Thanksgiving already? Student Council finished their annual Thanksgiving food drive today and collected 60+ baskets to send to the Ashland Food Pantry. I am so impressed with the generosity of the Ashland community,  Thank you!

I am looking forward to the fun-filled spirit week next week:
The Student Council is running "spirit week" this upcoming week!
Monday, November 20th is Pajama Day
Tuesday, November 21st is Hawaiian Shirt Day
Wednesday, November 22nd is Class Color Day (Freshmen in green, sophomores in red, juniors in blue, and seniors in white.)
A reminder that Wednesday is an Early Release without lunch.  Students will be dismissed at 11:20am. 

Winter Sports Registration will close on Monday November 20th at 3pm.  If you have not registered please do so.  This winter, athletics is using a new registration system where you are able to pay electronically.  The link to City Hall Systems can be found on the front of the Athletics Website... .  Please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Duane or Mr. Grimes if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you

Shop at Amazon = Support the PTO!
Holiday shopping at Amazon this season? Use the PTO's special affiliate link ( we will earn anywhere from 6%-10% of your purchase! 
  1. Click here to get to the Amazon home page
  2. Bookmark this link and use your bookmark every time you visit Amazon, all year round, to support the PTO!  
Please note - this is not Amazon Smile! Amazon Smile donates 0.5% of your purchase to your charity.  Using our link earns us a minimum of 6%!

Thank you for your support!!

We would like your school to join our Green Student Leadership Council.  The council is comprised of students across the nation discussing ideas for environmental action and involvement in their communities.  It’s kind of like a green think tank for students! The only requirement is they meet 3 times a year via conference call. This is a great way for students to have their voices and ideas heard, as well as building networks for their future as global citizens.

This year we are excited to have two Co-presidents who are both strong leaders and look forward to connecting with other like-minded students. To learn more about who our Co presidents are, follow this  link .

We hope you will join us by signing up here.  First meeting will be beginning of December 3rd, so now is a great time to join! Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to having your school represented on the council.

Ashland Raises Healthy & Happy Kids
How To Stop Automatic Negative Thoughts
All kids blow things out of proportion or jump to conclusions at times, but consistently distorting reality is not innocuous. Self-defeating thoughts can trigger self-defeating emotions that, in turn, cause self-defeating actions. Left unchecked, this tendency can also lead to more severe conditions, such as depression and anxiety.
Fortunately, in a few steps, we can teach children (and adults) how to change their thinking from negative to accurate. First we must understand the causes of inaccurate thinking.
  • Jumping to conclusions: judging a situation based on assumptions as opposed to definitive facts
  • Mental filtering: paying attention to the negative details in a situation while ignoring the positive
  • Magnifying: magnifying negative aspects in a situation
  • Minimizing: minimizing positive aspects in a situation
  • Personalizing: assuming the blame for problems even when you are not primarily responsible
  • Externalizing: pushing the blame for problems onto others even when you are primarily responsible
  • Overgeneralizing: concluding that one bad incident will lead to a repeated pattern of defeat
  • Emotional reasoning: assuming your negative emotions translate into reality, or confusing feelings with facts
Going from Distorted Thinking to Accurate Thinking

Once these common negative thinking patterns are understood, you can use the three C’s to challenge them.
  1. Check for common inaccurate thoughts.
  2. Collect evidence to paint an accurate picture.
  3. Challenge the original thoughts.
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”  - William James

Friday, November 10, 2017

November 10, 2017

Good morning and Happy Veteran's Day-

I am writing from Orlando where I am lucky enough to be spending this long weekend with 32 amazing Ashland High School students (and some pretty great chaperones) who are doing service work at Give Kids the World. I am so grateful to live in a country that allows us the freedom to learn through service to others. Thank you to all of the Veterans out there who have worked tirelessly and given of themselves for our freedom. I hope we are all able to spend some time reflecting on the meaning of Veteran's Day over the course of the weekend.

At Give Kids the World, an amazing place that houses kids with life-threatening illnesses and their families while they are having a wish granted, the AHS Make a Wish Club completed their first two of six service shifts. We served in the kitchen, helped run the carousel, acted as characters in the Winter Wonderland parade, and helped children create their star, a light that will live on forever. It was moving to watch the AHS students give of themselves, they worked so hard. I am looking forward to seeing the experiences the rest of the weekend brings them. They are learning so much!

As a reminder Term I closed last week.  Grades/Report cards will be available to students and parents through iStudent/iParent at 3pm on Tuesday, November 14.  If you wish to receive a hard copy of your child's report card please email the main office at and one will be printed and mailed. 

NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation:
NEASC accreditation is a system of accountability that is ongoing, voluntary, and comprehensive in scope. It respects differences in institutional populations, missions, and cultures, and fosters institutional change grounded in the expertise of practicing educators. It is based on standards which are developed and regularly reviewed by the members and which define the characteristics of good schools and colleges.  Ashland High School will engage in the re-accreditation process in the spring of 2020.  

In preparation for the upcoming Self-Reflection Ashland High School will be completing as part of the NEASC Accreditation process, all students, families, and faculty will complete surveys designed to provide the school with important feedback on our work. We hope to learn more about what is working well for our students and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Parents, please take time to complete the attached survey and help provide us with valuable information:

We ask that every family complete one survey. You do not need to complete multiple surveys if you have more than one student in the school. 

Every student will have an opportunity to complete the survey during the school day during the week of November 20, 2017. If you are interested in reviewing the student survey, it will be available in main office during normal school hours. If you prefer that your student not complete the survey, please send a note to the main office with that request by Friday, November 17, 2017. 

As we continue the conversation on inclusion, diversity, and trust AHS will host it's first ever Challenge Day on Thursday, November 30.  Challenge Day is a day-long interactive program that provides teens and adults with tools to tear down walls of separation, and inspires them to live, study, and work in an encouraging environment of acceptance, love, and respect.  Using highly interactive and energetic activities, leaders guide the participants through a carefully designed exploration of the ways people separate from each other, and model tools for creating connection and building community.  This powerful day will include 100 students and 25 staff members.  The event is held during school hours in our gymAny student interested in being a part of this day should contact Ms. St. Coeur.   

Auditions for the AHSTS winter production of Pippin are Tuesday, December 5 at 3PM in the Chorus Room. Callbacks are Wednesday, December 6 at 3PM. Audition information and forms are located at

Clocker Cupboard! Ashland High School is proud to announce the establishment of the Clocker Cupboard.  The Clocker Cupboard will be an on site mini food pantry that will provide shelf staples, snacks and drinks for our students whose families may be experiencing a financial hardship impacting momentary access to food.  Access to the Clocker Cupboard will be done so with a level of discretion and confidentiality.  We have collaborated with the Ashland Food Pantry in establishing a foundation of food at this point. As we move forward, we will be looking for donations to ensure that the supply is maintained and any overstock will be donated to the Ashland food pantry.  Please feel free to send any donations throughout the year and we will be glad to add them to the cupboard.  All donations can be placed in the donation bin in the main office.   

If you are experiencing a moment in time and would benefit from a little extra, please have your student reach out to Jennifer Shiels, your child's guidance counselor or an administrator and we will ensure access to items of choice in the food pantry.  You are also more than willing to contact any one of us directly and we can prepare a bag for your child to come home with.  Unfortunately for security reasons on property, access to the Clocker Cupboard will be limited to staff and students.  If you are seeking a greater level of support, we encourage you to reach out to Cara Tirrell at Ashland Youth and Family Services at Phone: 508-881-0140 ext 3.  The Ashland Food Pantry hours are  MondayWednesday, and Thursday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

The YMCA will be sponsoring an Open Gym on MondayTuesday, and Wednesday of next week from 2:45 until 4:30 for any High School Student.  Contact Mr. Grimes for more information. 

Ashland Raises Healthy & Happy Kids:
Seven Phrases To Calm an Anxious Child
It happens to every child (and adult) in one form or another – anxiety. We would like to shield our children from life’s anxious moments, but navigating anxiety is a valuable life skill.  In the heat of the moment, try these simple phrases to help your children identify, accept, and work through their anxious moments.

  1. “Can you draw it?” Drawing, painting or doodling about an anxiety provides kids with an outlet for their feelings when they can’t use their words.
  2. “I love you. You are safe.”
  3. “Let’s count _____.”  Counting the number of people wearing hats, the number of tiles on the floor, or the number of kids in the room requires observation and thought, both of which detract from the anxiety your child is feeling.
  4. “I get scared/nervous/anxious sometimes too. It’s no fun.”   
  5. “If you gave your­­ feeling a color, what would it be?” Asking your child to say how they feel with a color, gives them a chance to think about how they feel relative to something simple. Follow up by asking why their feeling is that color.
  6. “Let’s have a debate.”  Older children especially love this exercise because they have permission to debate their parent. Have a point, counter-point style debate about the reasons for their anxiety. You may learn a lot about their reasoning in the process.  
  7. “Let me hold you.”  Physical contact provides a chance for your child to relax and feel safe.

Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3, 2017

Good afternoon-

Term I is just about coming to a close.  Grades will close on Monday, November 6.  Reports cards will be available to students and parents through iStudent/iParent at 3pm on Tuesday, November 14 (this is one day later than originally posted).  If you wish to receive a hard copy of your child's report card please email the main office at and one will be printed and mailed. 

As we continue the conversation on inclusion, diversity, and trust AHS will host it's first ever Challenge Day on Thursday, November 30.  Challenge Day is a day-long interactive program that provides teens and adults with tools to tear down walls of separation, and inspires them to live, study, and work in an encouraging environment of acceptance, love, and respect.  Using highly interactive and energetic activities, leaders guide the participants through a carefully designed exploration of the ways people separate from each other, and model tools for creating connection and building community.  This powerful day will include 100 students and 25 staff members.  The event is held during school hours in our gym.  Any student interested in being a part of this day should contact Ms. St. Coeur.  

Auditions for the AHSTS winter production of Pippin are Tuesday, December 5 at 3PM in the Chorus Room. Callbacks are Wednesday, December 6 at 3PM. Audition information and forms are located at

Clocker Cupboard! Ashland High School is proud to announce the establishment of the Clocker Cupboard.  The Clocker Cupboard will be an on site mini food pantry that will provide shelf staples, snacks and drinks for our students whose families may be experiencing a financial hardship impacting momentary access to food.  Access to the Clocker Cupboard will be done so with a level of discretion and confidentiality.  We have collaborated with the Ashland Food Pantry in establishing a foundation of food at this point. As we move forward, we will be looking for donations to ensure that the supply is maintained and any overstock will be donated to the Ashland food pantry.  Please feel free to send any donations throughout the year and we will be glad to add them to the cupboard.  All donations can be placed in the donation bin in the main office.   

If you are experiencing a moment in time and would benefit from a little extra, please have your student reach out to Jennifer Shiels, your child's guidance counselor or an administrator and we will ensure access to items of choice in the food pantry.  You are also more than willing to contact any one of us directly and we can prepare a bag for your child to come home with.  Unfortunately for security reasons on property, access to the Clocker Cupboard will be limited to staff and students.  If you are seeking a greater level of support, we encourage you to reach out to Cara Tirrell at Ashland Youth and Family Services at Phone: 508-881-0140 ext 3.  The Ashland Food Pantry hours are  MondayWednesday, and Thursday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation:
NEASC accreditation is a system of accountability that is ongoing, voluntary, and comprehensive in scope. It respects differences in institutional populations, missions, and cultures, and fosters institutional change grounded in the expertise of practicing educators. It is based on standards which are developed and regularly reviewed by the members and which define the characteristics of good schools and colleges.  Ashland High School will engage in the re-accreditation process in the spring of 2020.  

In preparation for the upcoming Self-Reflection Ashland High School will be completing as part of the NEASC Accreditation process, all students, families, and faculty will complete surveys designed to provide the school with important feedback on our work. We hope to learn more about what is working well for our students and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Parents, please take time to complete the attached survey and help provide us with valuable information:

We ask that every family complete one survey. You do not need to complete multiple surveys if you have more than one student in the school. 

Every student will have an opportunity to complete the survey during the school day during the week of November 20, 2017. If you are interested in reviewing the student survey, it will be available in main office during normal school hours. If you prefer that your student not complete the survey, please send a note to the main office with that request by Friday, November 17, 2017. 


The YMCA will be sponsoring an Open Gym on MondayTuesday, and Wednesday of next week from 2:45 until 4:30 for any High School Student.  Contact Mr. Grimes for more information. 

The Winter Sports Meeting will take place Tuesday 11/7 at 7pm in the High School Auditorium.  Any student who plans on playing a winter sport needs to attend with a parent and or guardian.  There will be a brief presentation from the Assistant U.S. Attorney on social media and the personal/legal impacts regarding the misuse of social media.  You will also have an opportunity to meet our winter coaching staff and find out information about the registration process.

An invite from Senator Spilka-
Dear Friends:

Attached is a flyer to be shared with parents, educators and colleagues inviting you to Senator Karen E. Spilka’s 2nd annual SEL forum on January 9, 2018 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Warren Conference Center in Ashland. Here’s the link to sign up:

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions.

Thank you,
Puja Mehta, J.D.
District Director
Office of Senator Karen E. Spilka
Senate Ways and Means
617-722-1640 office

Ashland Raises Healthy & Happy Kids
The Difference Between Stress and Anxiety
Many use the words ‘stress’ and ‘anxiety’ interchangeably, but there is a difference.
Stress is caused by an existing stress-causing factor, or stressor. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or even anxious. What is stressful to one person is not necessarily stressful to another.
Anxiety is stress that continues after that stressor is gone. Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or fear and is almost always accompanied by feelings of impending doom. The source of this uneasiness is not always known or recognized, which can add to the distress you feel.
Stress is the way our bodies and minds react to something which upsets our normal balance in life; an example of stress is the response we feel when we are frightened or threatened.
Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of unease. Everybody experiences it when faced with a stressful situation, for example before an exam or an interview, or during a worrying time such as illness. Anxiety is considered abnormal when it is prolonged or severe, it happens in the absence of a stressful event, or it is interfering with everyday activities such as going to work/school, socializing or affects your sleep or eating.
Learning stress reduction skills can help with stressors we all encounter. Learning coping skills for anxiety can help with both stress and anxiety. Some people with anxiety require professional help. Please discuss concerns with your family medical professional, or reach out to the school guidance staff if you are worried about stress or anxiety in your children.