August 10, 2017
Good evening! Below is the Back to School letter but I want to share a few adjustments. While schedules were opened in iStudent/iParent today the new student schedules have not been mailed. We are still waiting for the completion of some state reporting and hope to be able to print them tomorrow. If you have iParent access you can view the schedule by clicking on the school year drop down menu and changing it to 2017-2018.
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:
I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the summer. It is hard to believe it is almost over and we are gearing up for the 2017-2018 school year. I hope your summer has brought plenty of time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. Every year brings some changes in our staffing and I would like to take the opportunity to make you aware of the few changes here at the high school.
We are very excited to welcome the following new staff:
- Ms. Erin Lachapelle, Dean of Students (Classes of 2018 and 2020)
- Mr. Stephen McKeon, Academic Foundations
- Ms. Mary Nemeth, Music/Chorus
- Ms. Robin Wilson, Education Support Professional
- TBD, School Psychologist
Internally, we are excited to announce that Ms. Erin Cameron has moved from Academic Foundations to filling a vacant special education teaching position.
Ms. Lachapelle, our new Dean, joins us after 11 years as a science teacher for Grafton High School where she taught Biology, Anatomy and Oceanography. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Stonehill College and a Master’s in Secondary Education from Fitchburg State University. Ms. Lachapelle also completed her administrative licensuschre program while working for Grafton Public Schools. Ms. Lachapelle is student-focused, collaborative, and an enthusiastic leader. We are excited to welcome her to the AHS leadership team.
Schedules for 2017-2018 for all new students will be sent in the next couple of days, I will share when they are actually mailed. If you do not receive a schedule please call the AHS main office to request one. All students, grades 10-12, can view their schedules through iStudent. Any current AHS student who does not recall how to access iStudent can email Linda Chaney to have their account reset. (Members of the Class of 2021 will receive their iStudent log-in information at the beginning of the school year but can see their schedules through iParent.) It is important to note that the schedules are not 100% finalized and there will be some changes as we try to balance out class sizes and meet the needs of all students. The guidance staff and administration have been working tirelessly this summer to produce the best schedule for the greatest amount of students. Any blank space in the schedule indicates a potential study period. Study periods are being developed as needed and will be reflected by the first day of school. If you have not already done so, please visit our website and sign-up for iParent.
Our guidance staff will return to the office on August 22. If you would like to set up a meeting with your counselor regarding schedule changes, we will be offering 15 minute appointments from 8:30 – 11:45, and 12:30-1:30 on August 22, 24, and 25. On August 23 counselors will be available from 11:30-3:00. You may call the high school main office at 508-881-0177 to arrange an appointment.
We have a new email address for anyone needing to reach the main office secretaries. Please add to your email list.
My weekly newsletter can be found on the main AHS webpage, under my name. All announcements and information is linked to one page so that you can access information easily. Check it out at
All summer work is posted at
Key Dates:
- Freshman and New Student Orientation- Wednesday, August 23 from 4-6pm. We will have a barbecue and fun activities so please plan to attend to get to know the school community. This event is for students only.
- The Student Leadership Summit will be on Friday, August 25 from 9am-12pm. This annual event is a chance for all students interested in helping to build a positive school culture and set goals and expectations for a great school year. All captains and students in club and activity leadership positions are expected to attend. Please RSVP to Mrs. Chaney at or 508-881-0177 to confirm attendance.
- First day of classes will be Wednesday, August 30, 2016. Don’t forget our new start time is 8:20am. The first bell will ring at 8:10am. Students are expected to remain in the back lobby/cafeteria until that time unless they have made arrangements to meet with a teacher. The building will be open and the cafeteria will begin serving breakfast at 7:50am.
- There are no classes on Friday, September 1 and Monday, September 4, 2017 in honor of Labor Day.
Finally, Mr. Caira, Principal of the Mindess School, is looking for students to help unpack, label, and deliver textbooks. A great opportunity to earn community service! Contact him at or call the Mindess at 881-0194 if you want to help out.
Enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Kelley St. Coeur
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