Friday, October 28, 2016

Week of 10/24/16

Good afternoon and happy Friday-

It has been a busy week here at AHS so I thought I would share some pictures of the highlights.

Mix-It-Up Day: meeting new friends at lunch

ELL program graduation

NHS Officers light the candles representing the pillars

National Honor Society induction- October 27, 2017
Students heard from AHS graduate  Dr. Sushrut R. Jangi, MD on the importance of giving to others and the impact high school had on him.

Group costume winners!

Honorable mention for dressing as themselves
 The Halloween costume parade is a tradition for the senior class. Students dress in costume and parade through the building for all classes to see.  The creativity is amazing!
The class of 2017 in costume

MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey
Ashland High School students in all grades are once again scheduled to participate in the MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey regarding their attitudes and behaviors with regard to a variety of health issues.  We will be administering this survey to students on November 1st, 2016.

The survey is both anonymous and voluntary. The results of this survey provide valuable data for the school and local community to use when setting priorities for addressing the health needs of students and to improve upon the health education programs and prevention services provided for them.

For more detailed information about the test, sample viewing, and opting-out please click here: MWAHS Opt-out

The Sophomore Class of 2019 met on Thursday and received information about ordering class rings from Jostens. There will be a parent ordering night at the HS on Tuesday Nov. 1st from 5-7pm outside of the cafeteria and in school orders can be made at lunches on  Wednesday Nov. 2nd.  If you have any questions contact Mrs. Kulik, the class of 2019 advisor at

Stop by Yogurt Beach in Hopkinton on Wednesday, November 2nd to get your froyo fix and support the Class of 2019! Simply mention the fundraiser and 30% of the proceeds will be donated to the class of 2019! 

Tickets are now on sale for the AHSTS production of The Arabian Nights. The production runs Friday, November 4th and Saturday, November 5th at 7PMSunday, November 6th at 2PM. Patrons may buy tickets in advance online at AHSTS offers discounted tickets purchased online. All seating is reserved. For more information or tickets, visit

Attention Parents and Guardians!  We had an overwhelmingly positive response to our speaker, Dr. Ken Ginsburg, who spoke to students, faculty, and parents about fostering resilience in our community.  At this time, we are looking to continue the momentum by creating a Decisions at Every Turn (DAET) Coalition Parent Group to discuss some of the issues faced by our students today. Any parent/guardian who is interested is welcome to join us on Wednesday, November 2nd at 7pm in the Ashland Middle School Activity Room. At this first meeting we are looking to discuss ways of incorporating Dr. Ginsburg’s message in our community. We hope you can join us!

Robot Rodeo 2016 is Here!
It's back and bigger than ever! The hands-on, family fun, learning, building, and creative all-day event is back at Ashland High School on Nov 19th! What is a Robot Rodeo? It is an opportunity for kids of all ages (that means you too parents!) to come and learn about how robots are made, what they can do, and get hands on with a wide variety of educational robotics. Our high school robotics club is hard at work building an exciting day of activities that includes old fun robots like MiP and Spheero, and introduces new robots including Dash, Ozobot, and much more! Want to learn about circuits? How about Lego robotics? Want to create amazing Lego robot monsters? You and your family can do it all. Food and drinks will be available as well. $5 entry fee gets a student in to join the fun and a fun prize at the end of their day. Learn more:

Samba Restaurant Supporting the AEFI:  Samba Restaurant (East, 1138 Worcester Rd, Framingham) has generously agreed to support the AEFI by donating 10% of your dining & drink costs to the AEFI.  The AEFI will be distributing Samba-AEFI supporter wallet cards to the Ashland community to get 10% of your dining costs donated to the AEFI.  You may receive a Samba-AEFI supporter card from any of the Ashland School Main Offices.  Please email if you have any questions.

Please review the Parent Flyers section.
Ashland Raises Happy & Healthy Kids:
Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age
  1. Create a family media use contract -  Write up rules and guidelines about what when, how, where and for how long different screen activities are ok.
  2. Keep car time for talking - In the car, you have a captive audience. Use this time to chat with your children rather than talking on your phone or allowing them to text or play games.
  3. Put away your smartphone when your kids walk in the house (or get in the car) from school - Nothing says “you don’t matter that much,” or “everyone and everything else is more important than you,” than having a parent or caregiver pull up for pickup but hardly look up from a call or texting.
  4. Make meal time screen free - This includes breakfast!
  5. No screens in the bedroom - Have children charge their devices downstairs or in their parent’s bedroom.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Week of 10/17/16

Good afternoon-

It was certainly a busy week at AHS!  We were thrilled to have students, faculty, and parents enjoy time with Dr. Ken Ginsburg on Wednesday.  His discussions around resilience were well received.  Please check out his website if you are looking for more information.  We are excited to continue the conversation about how to build resilience in our youth as a community.  

Next week we are excited to celebrate National Mix-It-Up Day on Tuesday, October 25 during all lunches.  Our Peer Leaders will be facilitating activities that encourage students to identify, question and cross social boundaries. It is always a lot of fun!

Members of the sophomore class, the Class of 2019, will be meeting with Josten's on Thursday, October 27 to hear ordering their class rings.  More parent information to follow....

On Thursday, October 27 the National Honor Society will induct it's newest members at 6:30pm in the AHS auditorium.  These students have demonstrated their scholarship, service, leadership, and character as students at AHS and in the community.  All are welcome to attend the ceremony.

The Class of 2016 will have their annual Halloween parade on Friday, October 28 during first period. We always look forward to seeing the fun, creative costumes the students choose.  Pictures to come in next week's message!

Please see the Parent's Flyers for information about things happening around town.

The Robotics program at Ashland high school has now expanded to three avenues of access with hopes to add a fourth in the near future. With your help, we can bring in some new equipment and start making a difference right away. I just created a classroom request. While the total needed is $600, Donor's Choose has offered a 'Liftoff' matching grant that will double any donations (up to $50) in the first few days. 
Give to my classroom by October 24, 2016 and your donation will be doubled thanks to Just enter the code LIFTOFF during checkout and you'll be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50).

Thank you so much,
Chad McGowan

The Town Hall  is looking for some students willing to do community service by helping them out at the information tables at the High School on November 8 during the elections.  They can take any interested students from times between 7am and 8pm.  Please sign up with Ms. Shiels and she will share the list with the Town Hall.  

The six C’s of building resilience
Competence: Give children opportunities to develop important life skills. This makes them feel proud and competent.  
Confidence: Help your children build the confidence to be able to navigate the world, think outside the box, and recover from challenges. If we “save” them from every challenge they will not feel confident in their abilities.     
Connection: Connections with other people, schools, and the community gives children the security to venture out into the community, try new things, and give back to their community and/or others.   
Character: Children need a clear sense of right and wrong and a commitment to integrity.    
Coping: Young people who possess a variety of healthy coping strategies will be less likely to turn to unhealthy or even dangerous quick fixes when stressed.

Control: Children who understand that privileges and respect are earned through demonstrated responsibility will learn to make wise choices and feel a sense of control.

Friday, October 14, 2016

A short week

Good afternoon and happy Friday-

It seems the week just "started" and here we are at Friday again.  I hope that you all enjoyed the five days together as a family.  I am excited for the many fun events happening around Ashland this weekend.  Please check out the message below regarding parking at the high school Saturday night.  We will have a full house with A Capella Night and the football game.  We were thrilled to learn today that we can make use of the parking spaces within the fencing in the student parking lot.  Please consider car pooling or walking if you are close if you are headed to AHS Saturday night.  

Please be sure to check out the Parent Flyers for other event around town this weekend.  

A message from Mr. Grimes:
Tomorrow night, Saturday, October 15 at 7:00pm, Ashland football will be hosting Millis High School in a battle for the top of the TVL Small Division on the William Cunis Field and Track in Ashland!  Due to limited parking at Ashland High School because of the solar project, we will be providing a shuttle bus from Ashland Middle School on 87 W. Union St, Ashland to the high school.  The Shuttle bus will start at 6:30pm and continuously shuttle fans between the high school and middle school throughout the game.  Please note that there is no parking on East Union St.  If you do park on East Union St or within the adjacent neighborhoods you do run the risk of being ticketed by Ashland PD.  If you require further information please reach out to myself, Mr. Grimes, in the athletic department.  Thank you and go Clockers!

MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey
Ashland High School students in all grades are once again scheduled to participate in the MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey regarding their attitudes and behaviors with regard to a variety of health issues.  We will be administering this survey to students on November 1st, 2016.

The survey is both anonymous and voluntary. The results of this survey provide valuable data for the school and local community to use when setting priorities for addressing the health needs of students and to improve upon the health education programs and prevention services provided for them.

For more detailed information about the test, sample viewing, and opting-out please click here: MWAHS Opt-out

As a partner and supporter of Decisions of Every Turn Coalition, PTO, ASHPAC, and the Friends of APL I am very excited for our upcoming day with Dr. Ken Ginsburg.  Resiliency is a critical skill for all of our children, one of the most important skills they can have for a successful life.  Our 9th & 10th grade students will hear Dr. Ginsburg speak in the morning and he will address our staff in the afternoon.  I wish that all of our students could hear his message but time and space is prohibitive.  I hope that many of our 11th and 12th grade students will consider attending his evening presentation.  We are thrilled to have him with us for the day!

Please Try to Attend: On Wednesday, October 19th at 7pm in the Ashland High School Auditorium, Kenneth Ginsburg, M.D., M.S. Ed, Ph.D. will present a program titled “Resilience in Action: Raising Children and Adolescents Who Are Prepared to Thrive” to the Ashland community. Dr. Ginsburg is a nationally recognized resilience expert (; his program will address resilience and how his 7Cs Model of Resilience gives parents practical strategies to foster resilience and raise children that are prepared to thrive. This program is being hosted by Ashland’s Decisions at Every Turn Coalition, The Friends of the Ashland Public Library, Ashland K-12 PTO, and ASHPAC.

Tickets are now on sale for the AHSTS production of The Arabian Nights. The production runs Friday, November 4th and Saturday, November 5th at 7PMSunday, November 6th at 2PM. Patrons may buy tickets in advance online at AHSTS offers discounted tickets purchased online. All seating is reserved. For more information or tickets, visit

ASHPAC news: 
Basic Rights Workshop-
The Federation for Children with Special Needs with Kathy Bach
Tuesday, October 18th, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Ashland Middle School Activity Room
This workshop provides a basic understanding of the complex special education laws and procedures. 

Ashland Raises Happy, Healthy Kids
Tips for helping your children develop a healthy relationship with food
  1. Promote a healthy relationship with food.
    1. Make nutritious food options readily available at home.
    2. Be a good role model - eat a balanced variety and amount of nutritious foods and drinks, eat breakfast and do not skip meals.
    3. Teach children about nutrition and that there are no “bad” foods, everything is ok in moderation and/or on special occasions.
    4. Do not talk about dieting or losing weight in front of your children.
  2. Prioritize family meals.
  3. Don’t use food as a reward.
  4. Teach your children to eat when they are hungry - avoid telling your children to eat everything on their plate and avoid strict rules around food.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Week of 10/3/16

Good afternoon and happy Friday.  

This is our first Family Reconnect Weekend of the year.  I hope you all are able to enjoy a lovely long weekend whether you stay close to home or are traveling and that you enjoy some time as a family.  

MCAS scores were mailed home this week if your child attended Ashland Public Schools last year. Please let us know if you do are expecting scores and do not receive them.  Once again we were thrilled with our results and proud of the success of our students.  Students attending charter or other public schools last year should receive the report from that school.  McAuliffe did notify us that they are sending the reports to us so we will main those once we receive them.  

We have a current Donors Choose grant that is due to expire in 13 days.  Please check out the link below and consider supporting the grant.

Donors Choose- Reading Fluency-Chromebook Initiative

Please be sure to check out Parent Flyers...there is a lot of good information this week!
Senior Yearbook Deadlines
All seniors are asked to submit a senior bio for the 2017 yearbook. While this is not a requirement, it is a tradition that most seniors like to take part in. The bio includes three brief parts: Memories, Goals, and a quote. All items should be emailed to

Senior bio is due by October 14th
Other upcoming deadlines for seniors
Senior photo for the yearbook (if not done by Grynn & Barrett): Oct 28
Baby Photo: Nov 10
Senior w/ HS sibling(s): Nov 10

Purchase Yearbooks and Yearbook Ads
All high school students are encouraged to purchase a yearbook. The yearbook will reflect the year of fun and education at AHS for all students. The yearbook costs just $85 if purchased by the early-bird deadline.
After that, prices will jump to $120. 
Parents of seniors are encouraged to place an ad in the yearbook to honor your graduating student. All book sales and ad sales should be done through our Questions? Contact yearbook advisors Chad McGowan or Sue Reap.
Any student who would like a yearbook but has a financial hardship should see Ms. St Coeur or Ms. Shiels.  

Please Save The Date: On Wednesday, October 19th at 7pm in the Ashland High School Auditorium, Kenneth Ginsburg, M.D., M.S. Ed, Ph.D. will present a program titled “Resilience in Action: Raising Children and Adolescents Who Are Prepared to Thrive” to the Ashland community. Dr. Ginsburg is a nationally recognized resilience expert; his program will address resilience and how his 7Cs Model of Resilience gives parents practical strategies to foster resilience and raise children that are prepared to thrive. This program is being hosted by Ashland’s Decisions at Every Turn Coalition, The Friends of the Ashland Public Library, Ashland K-12 PTO, and ASHPAC.

Ashland Raise Happy & Healthy Kids
When you ask your child "How was school today?", does he/she mumble "good" or "fine"? Below are some questions to ask that might get you more than a one-word answer.

  1. What was the funniest thing that happened today?
  2. What games did you play at recess?
  3. Did anyone do anything super nice for you?
  4. What was the nicest thing you did for someone else?
  5. Who made you smile today?
  6. Which one of your teachers would survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
  7. What new fact did you learn today?
  8. Who brought the best food in their lunch today? What was it?
  9. What challenged you today?
  10. If school were a ride at the fair, which ride would it be? Why?
  11. What would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10? Why?
  12. If one of your classmates could be the teacher for the day who would you want it to be? Why?
  13. If you had the chance to be the teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?
  14. Did anyone push your buttons today?
  15. Who do you want to make friends with but haven’t yet? Why not?
  16. What is your teacher’s most important rule?
  17. What is the most popular thing to do at recess?
  18. Does your teacher remind you of anyone else you know? How?
  19. Tell me something you learned about a friend today.
  20. What is one thing you did today that was helpful?
  21. When did you feel most proud of yourself today?
  22. What rule was the hardest to follow today?
  23. What is one thing you hope to learn before the school year is over?
  24. Which person in your class is your exact opposite?
  25. Which area of your school is the most fun?
  26. Which playground skill do you plan to master this year?