Friday, April 1, 2016

Week of 3/28/16

Good afternoon and happy April!

What a great day it was today at AHS.  We were so lucky to host the 4th Annual 5-Town Special Olympics.  We welcomed Holliston, Medfield, Medway, and Millis for a wonderful day of football skill building.  We were grateful to the Special Olympics Massachusetts for supporting our schools and to the Patriots.  (I still can't believe Gronk was here.)  It was a truly memorable day for the 80+ athletes and we are thrilled they had such a great experience.

 Have a wonderful weekend!

Be sure to check out the Parent Flyer's!

The Ashland High School Student Council is running it's 8th annual BINGO Night on Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30pm in the high school cafeteria.  This family-friendly event is open to participants of all ages, featuring prizes donated by local businesses and restaurants.  $10 will get you a pack of 6 cards good for entire night (or $20 for 12 cards, $30 for 18 cards, etc.)  Bring your own Bingo dauber or bring $1 to buy one.  Complimentary coffee and baked goods are included; pizza can be purchased.  The evening will be MCd by high school teachers DJ Jost and Randa Istfan.  For more details on the event, including the current list of prizes donated, please see our website at:   And check out our commercial at:

Five Ways to Promote a Positive Body Image in Children

  1. Focus on health, not weight. Concentrate on delicious nutrition and fun physical activity, rather than the number on the scale or size on clothing tags.
  2. Compliment kids on what they do, not how they look.
  3. Myth-Bust the "Perfect Body". Help your child become a savvy media critic by talking about what they see on television, in magazines and online. Help them understand that the pictures of models they see in ads may have been retouched or otherwise manipulated to appear "perfect”.
  4. Discuss your child's struggles as they arise. Fight your knee-jerk reaction to immediately comfort your child and dismiss their concerns with comments such as, “No honey you're perfect”. Instead, respond with open-ended questions such as, “help me understand that comment” or “that surprises me, can you tell me more” in order to begin a dialogue about their concerns.
  5. Be aware of how you talk about your own body. If you are criticizing your body or others, expect that your children will mirror this thinking. You are the first window through which they view the world; evaluate what that looks like.

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