I hope everyone had a wonderful week back after a relaxing vacation. It's hard to believe May is here. The end of the school year will come quickly. It was nice to be outside watching some of your sports teams today.
If you haven't had a chance please take some time to review the Senior and Underclassmen Exam schedules which are both posted on the AHS website.
I will share the "Senior Week" schedule and relevant graduation information at the end of next week. Senior parents, please mark your calendar now for Class Day on June 3rd. This is a wonderful event where student accomplishments are recognized. The entire school attends and parents are invited!
Next week will be a busy week at AHS with AP exams starting and our Chinese exchange students arriving. We are looking for a couple of more students to host a student during the day since some student are living with Mindess and AMS families.
GPA's are still giving us an issue and I have had several communications with our software company over the course of the week. Please hang in there. It is important to us that accurate information is available. If you need a GPA for any reason now you can always reach out to your guidance counselor.
Please join us Tuesday, May 10, 2016 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Ashland High School Auditorium
Summer Send Off - Family Conversations for
a Safe Prom & Grad
All are welcome to attend this special Community Programming event. We especially encourage Ashland High School Juniors & Seniors and their parents/guardians to join us for an evening dedicated to celebrating safe choices during prom & senior week. The Middlesex County DA's office will present on Social Host Liability followed by an exciting performance by the Improbable Players!
“I’ll Never Do That” Students & adults will both enjoy this original performance depicting the roller coaster of substance use. Witness mostly humorous, but also thought provoking scenes about a family torn apart by substance abuse - how they are all affected - and how they all deal with it.
As a part of this event will raffle the huge prizes listed below- all who attend get a ticket!
F R E E R A F F L E !
E X C I T I N G P R I Z E S !
1 prom ticket
1 senior week ticket
10 priority seating passes for graduation
2 priority parking spaces at graduation
1 free parking pass per term (2016-17 school year)
1 VIP parking spot per term (2016-17 school year)
There is no cost for the raffle. Attendance entitles you to a ticket.
~Please check out the flyer in our Parent's Flyer section!~
Senior parents: the senior class officers are in the process of finalizing Senior Week, and one of the traditions it to put together a slideshow. The slideshow is made up of pictures of all of the kids - both individual and in groups - throughout their lives. Primarily they use pictures taken during their high school years, but it is the pictures when they were little that usually gets the best and biggest reactions! The officers would be greatly appreciated if you sent them electronic versions of your favorite pictures of the kids. You can e-mail submissions to Courtney Thurber, Class Historian, at thurbercou@ashland.k12.ma.us. Please indicate in the e-mail who everyone is in the picture. Thank you!
Healthy Sleep Habits for Kids of All Ages
- Maintain a consistent sleep schedule – Your child's bedtime and wake up time should be about the same every day of the week, regardless if it is a school day or not.
- Exercise daily – Have your child make exercise part of his or her daily routine. Physically tired kids sleep well!
- Don't go to bed hungry – Make sure your child doesn't go to bed hungry. Provide a light snack such as a glass of milk, a piece of fruit, or cereal and milk.
- Avoid caffeinated products – Your child should avoid products that contain caffeine in the late afternoon/evening. Be aware caffeine-containing products include iced-tea, some sports drinks, and chocolate.
- Plan up to 1 hour of quiet time before bed – Before bedtime every night set aside up to 1 hour for calm, enjoyable activities, such as listening to quiet music or reading. This means NO SCREENS!
- Maintain a bedtime routine - This may include taking a shower or bath, brushing teeth, reading out loud or silently, saying prayers or a statement of gratitude, and a hug and kiss goodnight.
- Take phones/ipods out of kids' rooms when they go to bed- The buzzing, vibration and lights of texts and notifications can disrupt sleep.
The AMS Art Club is collaborating with Jake Hogan, an APS employee, to create Paracord Spirit Bracelets. Chose the bracelet style of your choice and ROCK the Ashland school colors!
Spirit Bracelets can be purchased in the main office for a $3.00 minimum donation! All proceeds go to support fundraisers in the Ashland Public Schools!
The Ashland School Bands will be hosting their 3rd annual mattress fundraiser Sunday May 1 from 10 am - 5 pm in the Ashland Middle School Cafeteria. Simmons Beautyrest, Therapedic, and Restonic Mattresses will be up to 50% off retail with the proceeds going to the Ashland School Bands. Floor models will be displayed at the sale. Come out and take a look, and get a great bed, at a great price while helping the Ashland School Bands! You can even get a $50 off coupon for you or a friend by visiting the Facebook event page: bit.ly/beds4ashland. Not only will the coupon save $50 on a purchase, but the band program will receive an extra $50 for that purchase as well.
In addition, we will be having a Bedsheet Fundraiser - available at the Mattress Sale - May 1st, $39 on site or $49 shipped to your house - any size (twin, full, queen, king)!
- 100% of proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to purchase and maintain instruments for the Ashland Band program. The school instruments include percussion instruments and larger, more expensive wind instruments such as tubas, baritone saxophones and horns, bass clarinets etc.
- Student enrollment in the Ashland band program has more than doubled in the past few years creating an urgent need for more school instruments.
- PLEASE help us publicize this fundraiser. Having the right ratio of larger wind and percussion instruments in the band greatly enhances the band experience for ALL band students, not just the students playing those instruments.
- You can even get a $50 off coupon for you or a friend by visiting the Facebook event page: bit.ly/beds4ashland. N
ot only will the coupon save $50 on a purchase, but the band program will receive an extra $50 for that purchase as well. Invite all your Facebook friends in the area to the event
Thanks for your support! Questions? contact ama@ashlandmusic.org www.ashlandmusic.org