Friday, June 24, 2022

June 24, 2022

Good afternoon and Happy Summer!

Grades are now available in iStudent/iParent and you can find a digital copy of the report card in the My Data/My Documents tab.  

Members of the Class of 2024 are now able to see their GPA and decile rank with this report card.  If you have any questions or concerns about your grades please reach out to your counselor.  They will be in the building through Tuesday, June 28.  

The main office is now open for summer hours, 8am- 2:45pm. It is recommended you call first to make sure someone is in. Ms. Chaney and I are often the only ones here in the summer, after next week, and we will both be taking some personal and professional time throughout the month of July.

Please follow the link below for all summer assignments:
Summer Assignments

The Peer Leader application was e-mailed to all members of the Classes of 2023 and 2024 today.  Students should complete the application prior to August 1.  We welcome all students to apply to be a part of this program. The mission of the program is to create an inclusive, supportive environment for all students and to help our new students transition to AHS.

Schedules for the 2022-2023 school year will be available on or around August 8. The counseling staff and Deans are working diligently to make sure we have a schedule that meets the needs of our students.

Here are some tentative dates for Start of the School Year activities/times are to be determined:
Peer Leader training- August 25 (all day)
New Student Orientation- August 25 4-6pm 
Math placement test for new students and AMS overrides- August 25 (prior to the orientation)

Many students have the ability to complete service hours over the summer. Students can start earning service hours the summer before their 9th grade year and must have their 25 hours completed before the start if senior year if they wish to earn senior privileges.
Here are the AHS guidelines for your information:
Community Service information

State of the District Survey for Strategic Planning

As a school district stakeholder, your input is invaluable to the district's leadership as we plan for the future. We invite you to complete this online, anonymous survey by July 5, 2022 to share your thoughts about the future of our schools. Use the drop-down menu to select a language: English, Spanish or Brazilian Portuguese. Visit to learn more about the strategic planning process.

I wish you all a wonderful summer! 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

June 17, 2022

Good afternoon-

It's hard to believe we only have two school days remaining of the 2021-2022 school year.

Grades will be available in iStudent and iParent by Friday, June 24, 2022 after 3pm.

Summer work for AHS students can be found here: Summer Assignments. This link can be found on the main AHS webpage as well. 

Please take some time this weekend to review iParent and check that your student's full name is spelled correctly. This is especially important for rising seniors. If there are any mistakes in the spelling of their name or any other information, please email Ms. Chaney immediately. 

If you have an incoming 9th grade or new to AHS student mark you calendar for New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 25 at 4pm. This is a great event for new students to get to know the building as well as our values and norms. More detailed information will be shared later in the summer. 

Any student taking the math placement test should plan to take the test at AHS on August 25 at 2pm.

AHS travel opportunities in 22-23

Looking for travelers to Italy!  If you have ever wanted to paint in the birthplace of the Renaissance, imagine a gladiator fight in the Colosseum, or learn how to cook traditional Italian dishes in a cooking class. . .this trip is for you!  Ashland High School is headed to Lake Como, Venice, Florence and Rome in April 2023.  Come talk to Mr. Wurster or click on the following EF Tours link for more information:

An Italy Trip meeting will be held over Google Meet next Tuesday, June 21 at 6 PM to answer any questions and get you familiar with the trip process.  More information can be found on the Google Classroom.  Join by visiting:

Want to go to New York City to see a Broadway show?  Join Mrs. Nemeth and Mr. Mosh on Saturday October 29.  We will see the 2021 Tony Award winner for Best Musical - Moulin Rouge!  AND we'll get some time to sightsee in Times Square!
  • Saturday October 29, 2022
    • 6:45am to 9pm
  • Fee: $339
    • This fee could be lowered below $289 depending on the number of students who sign up.  We will know after 9/7.
    • If you would like to go but need financial assistance, please talk to or email Mrs. Nemeth.
  • Trailer: Moulin Rouge Broadway
  • Due dates:
    • 9/7/22: $125 is due to reserve your spot
    • 9/26/22: the remainder of the balance is due
      • I will email participants with the balance total after 9/7.
  • Reserve your spot!
    • We can take up to 50 students.  First come, first served!
1. Click on the Register/Login button at the top of our home page. 
2. Click to register or make a payment for a tour.
3. Enter your login information if a previous traveler OR first time users click on link to create an online account with Hemisphere for the First Time. 
4. Enter your Web Code - YOUR HEMISPHERE WEB CODE IS 22TA16093. 
5. Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email. 
6. Confirmation email will provide a link for you to fill out the Permission for Medical Treatment form online.  
7. Log into your account by using your email and password to make future payments. 

 IF PAYING BY CHECK: All checks/money orders must indicate the participant’s name, school name and Your Tour Web Code, 22TA16093. Make payable to “HEMISPHERE” and MAIL TO: 1375 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 530, Schaumburg, IL 60173. The Tour Terms and Conditions Form and Medical Form must be mailed in with your payment.

If you are interested in helping to sponsor a student who may not have the financial means to participate in a trip please reach out to Jennifer Pavia-Shiels, adjustment counselor. APS has a Helping Our Own fund to assist students who may not otherwise be able to participate in the extras that come along in high school. More information about the fund will be coming soon.

All students (9th-11th) keep their Chromebook over the summer.  Any Chromebooks that are lost or stolen will require a fee of $225 to get a replacement.  Any students that are leaving the District over the summer should return their Chromebook to the AHS Main Office or either the AMS Main Office or Business Office at the Middle School.

Lost and found:
The office has a variety of items that have been turned in over the year including ear pods, a set of Toyota car keys, jewelry etc. If your student lost something expensive please feel free to reach out to see if we have it here in the office! We also had several items left after end of year events held here recently:

Friday, June 10, 2022

June 10, 2022

Good afternoon-

It is hard to believe there are only 2 days of regular classes left.

Final exams are scheduled from Wednesday, June 15 through Wednesday, June 22. The schedule is attached here: Final Exam Schedule 2022

Please make sure your student comes to school with their Chromebook and charger. We do not have extras available for a large number of students. 

Students only need to attend when they have an exam. Students must be present during the exam period and can only use the make-up exam time if they have an excused absence. Please reach out to the office immediately if your student is unable to attend a required exam time. 

News from National Honor Society:

NHS big check to NEADS

Members of the National Honor Society were pleased to present a "big check" to NEADS World Class Service Dogs (where our very own Huxley got his start) in the amount of $3850.  The reps from NEADS brought ambassador dogs Verna and Loring, and Huxley got to show them around his workplace!  Thanks to all the families who supported our fundraising efforts.  The amount we raised has qualified our group to "name a puppy" and students have nominated and voted on names to share with NEADS for their selection in a future litter.  This year's donation brings the total amount raised by NHS members for various charities to $49,904 over the past seven years.  

NEADS dogs are bred and trained to serve adults and children with physical disabilities, veterans, people with autism or developmental disorders, and as assistance dogs for the classroom, hospitals, courthouse, ministry, and therapeutic settings.  

2)  Appeal for grad gown donations sized under 5'7"

If you have a recently graduated senior at home, please consider donating their graduation gown (no caps, gown only) to the National Honor Society for use in our annual induction ceremony.  We have a special need for gowns in the under 5'7" size ranges.  These may be dropped off in the main office.  

3)  NHS Fundraiser at Dairy Queen on Tuesday

Rising NHS seniors have selected Heading Home, a non-profit which helps homeless people in Boston, as our charity for 2022-23.  Our first fundraiser for Heading Home is this Tuesday, June 14, at Dairy Queen on Pond St., Ashland.  Come by between 4 - 8 p.m. and show the attached flyer, and a portion of your order price will be donated to NHS and earmarked for Heading Home!

Sunday, June 5, 2022

June 3, 2022

Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

It has been a wonderful senior week and we wish the seniors all the best as they head into whatever the future holds. 

Senior Slideshow

Students who are currently taking Biology (9th or 10th grade) will take the science MCAS on Tuesday, June 7 and Wednesday June 8. 

A reminder from the IT Department: If you no longer have any children attending AHS  you can unsubscribe your email address(es) from the district and school newsletters mailing lists using the link below: