It was a great first week with students. I hope they came home excited to be back in school. Today we had our all-school PBIS (positive behavior interventions/support) event. Students worked in cross-grade teams to complete a scavenger hunt. Following the scavenger hunt the seniors received the key to the school at their convocation. We are so appreciative of our partners, Ashland Police and Ashland Fire, who helped create a fun event for the students.
As a reminder, we have no school Friday, September 3 through Tuesday, September 7. Enjoy the long weekend. Happy Labor Day and shana tova to all that celebrate Rosh Hashanah.
Mark your calendars for Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 22nd from 6-8pm. This will be an in-person event where you can follow your students schedule and hear about their classes. I will share more details about the schedule in the coming weeks.
Yesterday we held class meetings with all classes. It was exciting to have the students together and take about our hopes and expectations for the coming year. We ask that you support our expectations at home by reviewing the AHS Student Handbook with your student. The slides from our meetings are attached here and were shared with all students. A sign-off sheet will be shared next week.
If you need a schedule change: Please email your counselor or stop by the counseling office ASAP. The Add/Drop period for classes ends on September 15.
Safety protocols:
All students and visitors are expected to wear a mask when inside AHS. Students will be allowed to remove their mask while eating lunch, even when inside.
Classrooms will continue to be equipped with air purifiers and hand sanitizer.
Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria, outside in the back area, or in the back lobby of the building. This will allow students to spread out and have the choice to eat at individual desks or regular cafeteria tables.
Students are encouraged to continue to practice social distancing but protocols from last year are no longer in place.
We will work closely with our nursing department to monitor any cases and possible close contacts.
All students are expected to bring their Chromebooks and charger each day. If they have a problem with their Chromebook they can get a loaner in the front office. Issues should be reported through the link on the AHS website main page.
Arrival & dismissal: Bus routes can be found hereStudents who take the bus are dropped at the front of the school and are expected to proceed to the cafeteria area until the first bell rings. Students who are dropped off by parents should be dropped at the back of the building. Parents are asked to pull forward to the end of the back sidewalk. Students who drive should obtain a parking pass from the front office no later than September 24, 2021. Students who will receive their license during the school year are able to get a pass after the year starts and the cost is prorated each term.
All students who ride a bus should exit at the front of the building when the 2:55pm bell rings. The first wave of buses leave at 3:00pm. Parents are asked to pull around the building past the gymnasium for afternoon pick-up. Student drivers are reminded to follow the rules of the road and exit through the front two exits of the student parking lot. Please do not stop on East Union to pick up your student after school. This is a safety issue!
I am pleased to say that this school year we will be offering students one free breakfast and one free lunch each full school day! This is funded through the USDA, to ensure all children are well fed and support all families through the pandemic.
Although last year we did not use cash registers at any schools, they will be back which allow a la carte sales. Students will be required to go through the cashier station, as this is how USDA requires us to ensure each child is only getting one reimbursable meal.
In order to keep the lines moving quickly, we will not be accepting cash at the register. Students can prepay for a la carte by going to and paying online, or they can drop off cash or a check in an envelope with their name clearly written on it to the cafeteria manager at the start of the school day. Since breakfast is free as well, this would be a perfect time to drop it off and get a free breakfast! We hope to soon have drop boxes installed in each cafeteria so they can drop it there anytime. Again, funds are only needed for a la carte sales, which includes second meals which the USDA will not cover.
If students would like a second meal they will first need to go to the cashier to ensure they have funds on their account. The cashier will then process the sale, and give them a ticket to take to the serving line to get the meal.
Students will be able to get a breakfast or purchase a snack through the x-block time period. Vending machines will once again be operable. Bottled water will again be available thru either the vending machines or the kitchen. Students must have money on their accounts to purchase water.