Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Back to School Letter

August 12, 2016

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:
I hope this letter finds you well.  It is hard to believe that summer is almost over.  I hope you have all had a chance to relax and enjoy time with family and friends.  Since the end of the 2015-2016 school year we have had a few changes here at the high school.  

We are very excited to welcome the following new staff:      
  • Ms. Kayla Cardin, Chorus
  • Mr. Sean Curran, World Language
  • Ms. Nancy Duffy, Science
  • Ms. Sarah Finn, Special Education
  • Ms. Cyrstal Jankowski, English (Ms. Jankowski was with us as a long-term sub last year)
  • Ms. Anne-Marie Larche, World Language                                          
  • Ms. Katelyn Reno, Education Support Professional                            
  • TBA, English  
Most importantly, schedules for 2016-2017 for all new students were sent in a mailing on Friday, August 9, 2016.  If you did not receive a schedule please call the AHS main office to request one.  All other students can view their schedules through iStudent.  Any current AHS student who does not recall how to access iStudent can email Linda Chaney to have their account reset.  It is important to note that the schedules are not 100% finalized and there will be some changes as we try to balance out class sizes and meet the needs of all students.  The guidance staff and administration have been working tirelessly this summer to produce the best schedule for the greatest amount of students.  Any blank space in the schedule indicates a potential study period.  Study periods are being developed as needed and will be reflected by the first day of school.  Homerooms and lockers will be distributed on the first day of school.

Our guidance staff will return to the office on August 23.  If you would like to set up a meeting with your counselor, we will be offering 15 minute appointments from 8:30 – 11:45, and 12:30-1:30 on August 23, 25, and 26.  On August 24, counselors will be available from 11:30-3:00.  You may call the high school main office at 508-881-0177 to arrange an appointment.

I thank you for your patience in the scheduling process. I fully understand the anxiety that students may feel when it comes to their class requests.  The schedule is always a work in progress and we are trying to meet the needs of all 750 students.

If you have not already done so, please visit our website https://ipass.imgsoftware.com/school/ashland/pamregister.html and sign-up for iParent.  Accounts for new students are in the process of being set up and students will receive information on how to log-in at class meetings during the first week of school.  

Key Dates:

  • Freshman and New Student Orientation- Wednesday, August 24 from 4-6pm.  We will have a barbecue and fun activities so please plan to attend to get to know the school community.  

  • The Student Leadership Summit will be on Wednesday, August 24 from 9am-12pm.  This annual event is a chance for all students interested in helping to build a positive school culture and set goals and expectations for a great school year.  All captains and students in club and activity leadership positions are expected to attend.  Please RSVP to Mrs. Chaney at lchaney@ashland.k12.ma.us or 508-881-0177 to confirm attendance.

  • Football and cheerleading begin practice on August 19 and the other Fall sports team start on August 25.  Please make sure to register for fall sports by August 12.

  • Please sign up to receive the Principal’s Tweets on Twitter, @KStCoeur and the Athletic Director, @ClockerAD

  • First day of classes will be Wednesday, August 31, 2016.  There are no classes on Friday, September 2 and Monday, September 5, 2016 in honor of Labor Day. 

  • I will be using a blog format to share information this year.  All announcements and information will be linked to one page so that you can access information easily.  Check it out at http://ahsprincipalsnews.blogspot.com/

  • I will also be using Remind to send brief texts about upcoming events and other information.  Please join the text or email list by following the link on the blog above.

Enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Kelley St. Coeur

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Schedules and other things!

Good morning-

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful summer.  It has been great to spend some downtime time relaxing and enjoying time with family.

Schedules for the 2016-2017 school year will be available in iParent/iStudent on Monday, August 8 at 2pm.  Schedules for 9th grade and new students will be mailed on Friday, August 5.  If you need a hard copy please contact Linda Chaney at lchaney@ashland.k12.ma.us.

(We do not roll over data for the new school year for another week or so.  Information on the schedule will still reflect grade, homeroom information, etc. from the 2015-2016 school year.)

All families are encouraged to sign up for an iParent account at your earliest convenience.  Follow this link to the iParent page: iParent registration

Students will receive their own iStudent account information during the first week of school.

Any student/family with a concern about their schedule can call the main office at 881-0177 to schedule an appointment with your counselor.
Guidance appointments will be scheduled August 23, 25, & 26 from 8:30am-1:30pm.
On August 24 counselors are available from 11am-3pm.  

As a reminder, blanks in the schedule are generally where a study hall would be and there is a possibility of schedule changes as we make last minute adjustments and balance classes over the next few weeks.  

Save the Dates!  

Peer Leader training will be held on Monday, August 22nd from 12-4pm.  We have decided to add juniors to the team for the 2016-2017 school year and are still looking for any junior/senior willing to serve as mentors to the Class of 2020.  Anyone interested can email me directly or click on this link to find the application (Peer Leader application).

Student Leadership Summit: August 24th from 9am-12pm (note the time change!)....all current student leaders and those interested in being leaders are encouraged to attend.  We will meet in the AHS auditorium.  This is a great opportunity for leaders from all areas of AHS to get to know each other and help to create a positive tone for the year!  Students are asked to RSVP to Linda Chaney at lchaney@ashland.k12.ma.us (so we can get an accurate count of the snacks needed).

Orientation for New Students: August 24th from 4-6pm.  9th grade and other new students will have fun, catch up old friends and make new ones while learning about the AHS culture and expectations. All are invited to join in the BBQ at the end of the orientation!  This 3rd and final orientation is for students only!

In an effort to always increase communication I will be setting up Remind accounts this year.  Please sign up if you are interested in receiving texts regarding upcoming events and important information!

Parent information group sign-up

Student information group sign-up

Prospective Fall Athletes...
1. Tryout times have been updated on the Athletics Website.  Here is the link to our website...http://athletics.ashland.k12.ma.us/
2. Registration Deadline is fast approaching.  High School Registration deadline is Friday August 12th 
3. All athletes MUST have an up to date physical to tryout.  
4. Registration Fees are due before an Athlete can receive his or her uniform.
If you have any other questions or concerns please reach out to Mike Grimes, Athletic Director, ASAP.