Final grades will be available on iStudent/iParent tomorrow by noon.
Each year brings change and I want to take a moment to say thank you and we will miss you to the staff moving on. This year we say good-bye to Lynette Bowen (special education), Susan Furste (world language), Andrea Medved (world language), Ed Nelson (math), and Rachel Stevenson (English). We wish them the best and thank them for their service to AHS!
I wish to say a very special good-bye to two very special retirees. Jane Holden leaves us after 20-plus years as a special education teacher. Christine Scott leaves her science position also after more than 20 years serving the students at AHS. They will both be missed more than they know.
Save the Dates!
Peer Leader training will be held on Monday, August 22nd from 12-4pm. We are still looking for seniors willing to serve as mentors to the Class of 2020. Anyone interested can email me directly.
Student Leadership Summit: August 24th from 10am-2pm....all current student leaders and those interested in being leaders are encouraged to attend.
Orientation for New Students: August 24th from 4-6pm. 9th grade and other new students will have fun, catch up old friends and make new ones while learning about the AHS culture and expectations. All are invited to join in the BBQ at the end of the orientation! This 3rd and final orientation is for students only!
Summer hours at AHS- The school building is open daily from 7am until 2:45pm howver the front office will only be open periodically throughout the entire month of July. Guidance counselors are here until June 29th. Please leave a message with Ms. Chaney or email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Summer Reading at APL: A message from Supt. Adams!
I hope that each and every family will take advantage of the wonderful opportunity our students have to continue developing their reading habits through the APL's Summer Reading Program and Community Events. Studies have shown that many students regress academically during the summer months when they are not actively engaged in reading exercises. Reading is a skill that continues to develop, and the summer is an especially important time to work on it.
Dear Ashland Parent/Guardian,
The MetroWest Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative (SAPC) is conducting a survey to help us learn more about parent/guardian beliefs and perceptions regarding underage alcohol use. Towns participating in this collaborative with Ashland include Natick, Southborough, Northborough, Framingham, and Hudson.
Your feedback, during this anonymous 1-2 minute survey for parents/guardians with at least one child currently in Grade 6-12, will help us to structure and implement initiatives to improve the health and safety of youth in the MetroWest area. The results of this survey will be shared with you through health promotion activities and community-wide messaging over the next academic year. This survey closes this Friday, June 24th.
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey .com/r/MetroWestSAPC2016
If you wish to provide additional feedback to your local substance abuse prevention coalition, please contact Ashland’s Decisions at Every Turn Coalition at coalitioninfo@ashlanddecisi or visit their website at
Thank you for your time and support.
Jessica Healy, MPH
Regional Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator
Town of Hudson Health Department
78 Main Street
Hudson, MA 01749
978-562-2020 (ph)
978-562-8508 (f)
It takes a team and a community to make a difference.
Disclaimer: This message is intended for the noted recipients only. Please be advised that all email sent and received by the Town of Hudson may be considered public record.
Please be sure to check out the important Parent Flyers for information about what's going on around the district and town.
Have a wonderful and restful summer break and I look forward to seeing you all in August!