Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of 10/26/15-10/30/15

Class of 2016!
Happy Friday and Happy Halloween!  


80's workout 
 The Class of 2016 had a great Halloween parade today.
Mr. Coakley
Orange is the New Black
This fun tradition where they parade around the school showing off their creativity really brings out the kid in all of us.

Term 1 closes on Tuesday, November 10 and report card grades will be available on November 17. Grades are posted through iParent/iStudent so sign up now if you don't have an account.  You can request a paper copy of a report card by emailing Linda Chaney at

We are very excited to be able to bring a group of AHS students to the Jostens Renaisance MikeSmithLive Student Leadership Conference  at the Hanover Theatre in Worcester MA on November 18th.  If your student is interested in attending please have him/her send me an email.   We will hold a lottery if we have more interest than available tickets.  This conference will focus on character and leadership.  Mike Smith is an engaging speaker with a powerful message.  I wish all of our students could hear him!  Check out his website for more information!

Tickets are now on sale for the AHSTS production of The Girl From Maxim's.

Summery: Enjoy all the frivolity, the gaiety, and the energy of Paris with the master of farce and a cavalcade of comic characters!

A normally sober doctor awakens to find that he brought two things home from Maxim's last night: a hangover and a woman. His wife is diverted from discovering the woman by one of her famous visitations from a popular saint. The doctor's uncle returns after a long army tour in Africa and promptly mistakes the lady from Maxim's for his nephew's wife. Uncle's immediate business is marrying off a niece to a young soldier who turns out to be the true lover of the lady from Maxim's. Everybody is invited to the ceremony at the uncle's chateau where all courses collide. The master of farce unravels the confusion happily and innocently!

The production runs Friday, November 6th and Saturday, November 7th at 7PMSunday, November 8th at 2PM. Patrons may buy tickets in advance online at AHSTS offers discounted tickets purchased online. All seating is reserved. For more information or tickets, visit

Friday, October 23, 2015

Week of 10/19/15-10/23/15

Good afternoon and happy Friday!  I hope to see many of you at tonight's Student Council barbecue from 5-7pm prior to the Field & Track Dedication and Homecoming football game.  Go Clockers!

Tomorrow is our Homecoming Dance from 7-10pm in the AHS cafeteria. Students must arrive by 8pm and all guests must have received prior approval from administration.  Parents will be notified of any students leaving the dance prior to 9pm.

Just a reminder- Picture Retakes are Monday, October 26th!

As always, take a moment to check out the flyers regarding the many great happenings around town!

The Ashland Robot Rodeo
Do you and your children enjoy playing with Legos? Would you like an opportunity to build and play with robots of various shapes and sizes? This amazing opportunity is being given to you on Nov 21st at the first annual Robot Rodeo being held at Ashland High School in the cafeteria. Bring your daughters, sons, nieces nephews and neighbors! All ages welcome. Running from 10:30am - 3pm, the high school robotics club will be holding this amazing event to teach kids cool STEM concepts while they play. Take a robot through an obstacle course, learn basic coding concepts even as young as 3 years old by programming our human 'robots'. Test your skills in our Sphero skills course. Build and play with a Lego Mindstorms robot. Be introduced to the Makey Makey and more! Entry is just $5. Lunch and snacks will also be available on site. Contact Chad McGowan with question or if you would like to donate or volunteer to the program.

The Leos Club will be collecting small, travel-sized toiletry items to donate to local family shelters. Items can be sent in to be placed in the donation box outside of the main office. Thank you in advance for your support!

Know what next Friday is? LUCKY TRAY DAY for the STAND campaign! Be sure to tell your child to get a disposable tray with their meal to see if they are a lucky winner! 

For more info on STAND go to or email questions to

Some of our second floor teachers are looking for used tennis balls on the feet of all student chairs and desks.  If you have any old tennis balls available to donate please drop them by the AHS office!

Tickets are now on sale for the AHSTS production of The Girl From Maxim's.

Summary: Enjoy all the frivolity, the gaiety, and the energy of Paris with the master of farce and a cavalcade of comic characters!

A normally sober doctor awakens to find that he brought two things home from Maxim's last night: a hangover and a woman. His wife is diverted from discovering the woman by one of her famous visitations from a popular saint. The doctor's uncle returns after a long army tour in Africa and promptly mistakes the lady from Maxim's for his nephew's wife. Uncle's immediate business is marrying off a niece to a young soldier who turns out to be the true lover of the lady from Maxim's. Everybody is invited to the ceremony at the uncle's chateau where all courses collide. The master of farce unravels the confusion happily and innocently!

The production runs Friday, November 6th and Saturday, November 7th at 7PM, Sunday, November 8th at 2PM. Patrons may buy tickets in advance online at AHSTS offers discounted tickets purchased online. All seating is reserved. For more information or tickets, visit

On Tuesday, October 27th at 7pm in the Ashland High School Library, the Decisions at Every Turn (DAET) Coalition and the Friends of the Ashland Public Library will be hosting a Community Discussion titled:  Social, Emotional, and Mental Health – How to Support your Child through the School Years.

Please join us for a short panel presentation featuring Ashland Police Department's mental health clinician and Ashland Public School administration and guidance staff. These presentations will be followed by a facilitated discussion about how best to support the social, emotional, and mental well-being of Ashland youth in Grades K-12. 

For additional information please see our flyer at:

Friday, October 16, 2015

Week of 10/13/15-10/16/15

Thank you all for a wonderful Back-to-School Night.   We appreciated the wonderful feedback about so many of our teachers. 

As always, please be sure to check out the updated information in the Parent Flyers section....

             Mr. Adams is planning a community book read...pick up the book and join the fun.

             If your student is interested in learning about how to start and carry through an initiative or creative idea there is a great student-led conference occurring at Harvard on October 24th.  Check it out under in the flyers. 

Homecoming Week (October 18th - 24th)

We hope to see many of you at the community activities!

The Ashland High School Student Council is running "Homecoming Week" next week!  The week starts off with the community-wide Pancake Breakfast on Sunday morning, October 18th, from 9am - 11am in the high school cafeteria; $5/person for all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage.

Every day of "spirit week" is a dress-up day, and students are encouraged to dress-up and participate!  (The class with the most participation will win a barbecue from the Student Council, to be held in the spring.)

Monday, October 19th: Pajama Day
Tuesday, October 20th: Flannel Day
Wednesday, October 21st: Tie-Dye / Neon Day
Thursday, October 22nd: USA Day
Friday, October 23rd: Class Color Day (freshmen: green, sophomores: red, juniors: blue, seniors: white.)

On Friday, October 23rd, join us for our Homecoming Barbecue in the small parking lot outside the stadium from 5pm - 7pm; $5 for a burger (veggie burgers available), chips, and water.  Then stick around for the Homecoming football game against Bellingham.

For more information, check out the Student Council website at: 

The Track and Field dedication to Bill Cunis will be held at this game.  We look forward to welcoming the Cunis family and friends for this big event!

The semi-formal Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 24th from 7pm - 10pm (please note the time change) in the high school cafeteria.  Tickets will be sold during lunch for $8 and at the door for $10.  Any student planning on bringing a guest from another school must fill out a guest-approval form (available in the office) and return it by Wednesday, October 21st.

For more information, check out the Student Council website at: 

We have a group of approximately 25 exchange students from France arriving on Friday, October 23rd.  Mdme. Medved has been organizing this exchange and we are excited to welcome these students to our community!  

Please save the date and join us at AHS on Tuesday, October 27th at 7pm for the Mental Health World Cafe.  

Thank you and enjoy the weekend!

Friday, October 9, 2015


FAMILY RECONNECT WEEKEND!  I hope your families have time to connect and relax this weekend.

Coming next week...

Tuesday, October 13 at 2:30-4:00pm- Decisions at Every Turn Student meeting

DAET is hosting their monthly meeting at 2:30pm and this meeting is focused on students.  Please consider attending and getting involved.  The meeting will be held at Ashland Middle School in Room 5.  

                                                    5pm- Josten's Ring Ordering 

Josten's will be in the back lobby of the school to meet with students and parents to order class rings. Sophomores and any juniors and seniors who have not ordered may drop by to get sized and place an order.

Wednesday, October 14-      PSAT's   7:30AM start time

AHS will be administering the PSAT's during the school day this year.  The test will take place in the AHS gym.  Please make sure your child is aware that he/she need to be in their seat in the gym, prepared to start the test at 7:30am.

Thursday, October 15 from 6-8pm- Back-to-School Night 

Elections for the 2015-2016 School/Site Council will be held during the evening.  Please stop by the PTO manned table near the library to vote.

Welcome in the auditorium at 6pm followed by following your student's schedule for a chance to meet teachers and hear about the curriculum.  Please remember to access your student's schedule using iParent or have your student share their schedule with you.

The Ashland High School Student Council is gearing up for our Homecoming week, October 18th - 24th, and we'd like to invite the entire Ashland community to two of our events.

On Sunday, October 18th, we are running a pancake breakfast in the high school cafeteria from 9am to 11am.  Come join us (and bring your family!) for all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage for just $5/person.  

On Friday, October 23rd, we are running a barbecue prior to the Homecoming football game, in the small parking lot outside the stadium at the high school from 5pm to 7pm Come join us (and again, bring your family!) and grab a burger and chips for $5/person and then stick around for the Homecoming Football game against Bellingham.  

For more details, check out our website at:

Hope to see some of you at these events!  

Friday, October 2, 2015

Week in Review: 9/28-10/2

We successfully completed our first full week of the school year!  It feels like things are really getting rolling.  

Please take a moment to review the flyers at the right for some exciting upcoming events in and around town.

We have a few big things coming up over the next few weeks:

Tuesday, October 6- Senior picture day w/Grynn & Barrett- Any Senior who needs a portrait for the yearbook can make an individual appointments and pictures will be       taken  here at AHS in B100 (English wing).

Wendesday, October 7- Sophomore class meeting w/Josten's  Our ring company will be here to begin the Class Ring ordering process

Friday, October 9- Early release day Teachers will be receiving Professional Development on Mindfulness and supporting students who are transgender. The AHS faculty and staff continually strives to make this school a safe place for all students and we look forward to hearing from experts on these important issues.

FAMILY RECONNECT WEEKEND!  October 10-12Enjoy time as a family without having to worry about school commitments.

Tuesday, October 13 at 5pm- Josten's Ring OrderingJosten's will be in the back lobby of the school to meet with students and parents to order class rings. Sophomores and any juniors and seniors who have not ordered may drop by to get sized and place an order.

Wednesday, October 14- PSAT's   AHS, along with all other high schools, will be administering the PSAT's during the school day this year.  

Thursday, October 15 from 6-8pm- Back-to-School Night Welcome in the auditorium at 6pm followed by following your student's schedule for a chance to meet teachers and hear about the curriculum.  Please access your student's schedule using iParent or have your student share their schedule with you.