This week we congratulated six students; John Almeida, Tiffany Brouwers, Joe Geres, Roger Gu, Mary McLoughlin, and Madeline Robertson as Commended in the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program. We are so proud of their accomplishments.
Several students submitted resumes for our new partnership with the Ashland Business Association and Ashland High School. We are so excited for this opportunity, proposed by an AHS alumni. Students will be helping local businesses use social media to their advantage. There are still opportunities to join so feel free to encourage any students with an interest in business or helping their community and a knack for social media to pick up information in the main office.
Student safety is always one of our top priorities. Teachers have been reviewing lockdown procedures with classes this week and we expect to work in collaboration with the Ashland Police Deparment to have a practice drill next week.
The School Start Times Committee invites you to review the attached "Frequently Asked Questions" document and to sign up for the the School Start Time Committee Newsletter. This can be accessed at:
The School Start Time Committee's LibGuide is available at: http://ashlandhs.libguides. com/StartTimes.
Does your child need some help with that new math cumulative review? Do they have questions on the problems from last week's math quiz? Or do they just need a spot to do their math homework with someone who can lend a hand?
Free help sessions run by National Honors Society students are available every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in B243, Ms. Jost's room, from 2-3. No need for an appointment - just come on in and bring your homework, exam review, cumulative review or any other math problems. We can help!
Please check out the important flyers from many of the important community organizations in town under the Parent Flyers link!